[Nando seeks to explain unto us what decisions are, and why rocks can make them:]
As before and before, and before, and before that, maybe the most simple explanation of a decision is the mathematical one. So then we get at time t+1 x=1 and, 't+1 x=2. Then we take a step in time, which is a decision, and then x turns out to 1 or 2 alternatively.
Now in the specific case of a rock the anticipatory aspect is maybe a function of variation in the internal cohesion of the rock. The atoms individually vibrate some, and this influences the cohesion of the rock. So the cohesion at times t+1 x=1002 or ' t+1 x=1003. Then we do a timestep, and so a decision, and then x turns out to one of those
values, meaning the future is decided on. Of course the actual mathematics is a bit more complex, but this is the drift of it.
And this is what Darwinists call absurd, ridiculous and a complete fantasy. A simple mathematical proposition of alternatives at times t+1 etc. According to Darwinists only brains have 2 or more alternative states at time t+1, they believe that decisions only occur in brains.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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