Using the word "homophobia" in regard to a legal choice to beleive one's religion is HATE speech no different than using the N word.
Referring to religion as mythology is also HATE speech.
You appear to only recognize free speech as speech that agrees with you. If you don't want to send money to scouting, that is your choice. If you don't want to have anything to do with them, fine. If you want to try to persuade them that they are wrong, with logic not violence, fine.
"Referring to religion as mythology is also HATE speech. "
Well, jeez, I don't hate mythology, I rather like it, I just don't think you should take it that serious and take it all for truth.
"You appear to only recognize free speech as speech that agrees with you."
You can say anything you want, but I have my opinion, too. You're gullible.
"If you don't want to send money to scouting, that is your choice. If you don't want to have anything to do with them, fine. If you want to try to persuade them that they are wrong, with logic not violence, fine."
"Any kind of indication from you that I may by wrong, no matter how vague or subtle, is HATE speech." Ya right, Jackass.
You're a fucking idiot and you should DIAF because your brain is already dead and you're fucking things up for the rest of us who would like to move forward with creating a better life for everyone. (<- That's hate speech, You Fucking brainless wonder.)
It is HATE speech to say that I can't use my religion to support bigotry! HATE speech I tells ya!
Also, referring to religion is mythology is not hate speech, good sir. It is honesty.
Oh, how I want to believe that "Anonymous Coward" was this guy's actual name...
And: "If you want to try to persuade them that they are wrong, with logic not violence, fine"
What do you think we have been doing, idiot!? (heh heh...I insulted him.)
Also: By popular request
Awww, they're using our own narrative to badmouth us again! This is a new one though - that is impressive.
And I thought that homophobia was the unprovoked aggression! Turns out I'm the one who's mistreating them just as po niggers have been tormented.
Actually, referring to your religion as mythology is quite accurate, at least definitionally. Mythology, as a term, refers to any story told to explain how things came into being, or anything else about the natural world. The creation stories of any given faith are the best example of this, but the covenant in the Noah's ark story could be viewed as a myth on the origin of rainbows, and being cast out of Eden is fairly similar to the tale of Pandora's Box, explaining the hardship in the world. I'll allow that mythology has negative connotations, but that does not change the validity of the term.
@Nowonmai: *swings his ankh proudly* Even I recognize these morons for what they are. I take my own religion with a large grain of salt. I'm of the opinion that either the Gods are very subtle now, or they've left us to fend for ourselves.
Belief is good. Fanatic belief without just cause or decent proof? not so much.
Your religion is your legal right. Correct. It's also hateful and bigotted.
But guess what, you whiney bitch? You have a right to be a moron, which you are making fantastic use of.
And your religion? It's a mythology. And you know Greek and Roman mythology? That was their religion. One man's religion is another man's fairytale.
And dumbass, by getting "sweetheart deals" with the government to pay below-cost for various services, the BSA is being effectively paid for by the US government. ALL Americans, straight out of the Constitution, have a right to equal treatment under the law. So dammit, gays and atheists have a right to participate in government funded programs, numbnuts, just as much as anyone else does.
Religion is mythology. There, I used hate speech. Oh, horror of horrors.
Good thing I am protected by freedom of religion and freedom of speech.
And dumbass, by getting "sweetheart deals" with the government to pay below-cost for various services, the BSA is being effectively paid for by the US government.
I know that the BSA is just paramilitary training for juveniles, but damn if it wasn't fun when I was a member. As an adult, though, I can no longer support a group that excludes people for reasons unrelated to its mission, and the government should not reward or support bigoted groups.
Wow, is he a homophobic myth-believer, or what?
Ya, you heard me right.
I used hate speech.
Come and arrest me, Coward!
What would you consider Shintoism? Buddhism? Islam?
They're religions too, but I bet you'd say they're false, that is, they're mythologies. What you mean to say is that you cannot stand the idea your religion may be false, so you reclassify it as hate speech. It's called special pleading, and it's not a logical, sound argument.
Try something else.
'Referring to religion as mythology is also HATE speech.'
But calling gays 'sodomite' or abortion providers 'murderers' or women who have abortions 'murderers', 'butchers', or 'baby-killers' is not hate speech?
'You appear to only recognize free speech as speech that agrees with you.'
Look in the mirror, asshole. That's what funda-MENTAL-ists think - free speech ONLY FOR FUNDA-MENTAL-IST 'Christians'.
Hate speech on religion is speech intended to degrade, intimidate, or incite violence or prejudicial action against a person or group of people based on their religion.
The expression of ideas such as 'religion is mythology' does not qualify as hate speech.
"Referring to religion as mythology is also HATE speech."
Say (using a megaphone) 'Allah doesn't exist'. Also 'Mohammed was a paedophile'; and 'I pissed in the Zam Zam water in Mecca' in downtown Riyadh then, Anonymous Coward.
...what's that? You won't ? And why's that, hmmmmmm?!
Your screename is so appropriate.
Now, what's your attitude to my saying that your 'God' doesn't exist, hmmmmm?!
The phrase 'Blasphemy is a victimless crime' exists for a reason, cuntbrain.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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