Original sin happens because a man and a woman have sexual intercourse and this is not cleanly because lots of fluids are secreted, and uncleanlyness is a sin. On top of that, when you are born, you come out of a vagina with a lot of goo all over you and that too is unclean and is a sin. So double sin really. But the Baptism will wash the sins of birth away.
lulz of the first magnitude!
jebus was a sinner! He came out his mammy's pussy, all gooey. What a loser!
If sex is a sin, why does your god say to go forth and multiply? Does he want In-vitro fertilization or something? Remember, too, your god had sex with Mary. By your logic then, God is a sinner. ...Hey, I like this! Don't worship sinners, right? Cool!
Following your logic, a picnic on a rainy day can be the origin of original sin, don't you think?. Jokes aside, I prefer the apple in all its symbolism(you know, arrogance)
"you come out of a vagina with a lot of goo all over you." gooch is one prissy little wimp. And gooch, there's a reason for the fluids and one may have to have a C-Section.
gooch reminds me of Stewie from Family Guy when he finds his brother's porno magazine, opens it and sees a vagina. Then he screams, grabs a machine gun and destroys the mag.
So, in other words, if you're dirty, you need a shower. Got it. I don't understand how in the hell it's religious, though.
Edit: @MK: As far as a christian having 420 in their name, here's a website to explain that www.christiansforcannabis.com . It's a growing trend, the use of weed by christians. Even down here in the bible belt, I've spoken with many a christian who thinks that not only is it ok for christians to use weed, but that it might actually be a godly thing. Now, at Rusty_Professor, the gooch is what really says Poe.
@The Wicked Clown
....Jordan, be quiet.
Sex is only dirty if it's done right.
The Vernix coating on a baby has nothing to do with the vagina, but is a by-product of amniotic fluid and being in utero.
If you are going to lie, you should at least get your facts semi-correct for plausibility.
Poe aside... this concept was partly why I decided to leave Christianity. Never mind that I was clean of all sin by believing in Jesus... there was something messed up about the requirement of feeling worthless.
What's sad is that I also read from a religious website the idea that when you are filled with guilt about something bad that you did in your past, you're committing the same sin over and over again with every time you think about it.
So I can definitely see someone actually making the birth=sin claim seriously.
I think Gooch came out of an arsehole, with a lot of shit all over him.
Nothing short of a brain transplant will wash it all away.
That goo is the placenta. So, all placental mammals are going to Hell? Monotremes and marsupials have a free pass, as do birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish.
Does anyone want a artificial fertilization and c-section afterwards?
I'm a mere phatologist/mortician, but I know what I am doing, keke.
"this is not cleanly because lots of fluids are secreted, and uncleanlyness is a sin"
If you've ever seen some porn videos, the woman can go like Old Faithful when she comes. Also, do the terms 'Pearl Necklace', 'Creampie' and 'Bukkake' mean anything to you?
Enjoy your eternal Blue Balls, pal.
Oh, the irony.
“Original sin happens because a man and a woman have sexual intercourse and this is not cleanly because lots of fluids are secreted, and uncleanlyness is a sin.”
So, gay or lesbian sex isn’t an original sin?
Pretty sure that by ‘uncleanliness,’ the Bible isn’t talking about goo. There’s nothing about when a man vomits or bleeds or sneezes a shitload of snot onto his shirt making him unclean. Sperm is, but only if the man masturbates or has a wet dream. Not as part of divinely approved mating.
So if the man and the woman are married, the sexual fluids are not a source of uncleanliness.
"On top of that, when you are born, you come out of a vagina with a lot of goo all over you and that too is unclean and is a sin.”
But that’s the DESIGN. God said, go forth and multiply, KNOWING that babies were going to be delivered through that birth canal. By your logic, he COMMANDED sins upon sins.
"So double sin really.”
But sin God commanded, so that should take the curse off of it, right?
“But the Baptism will wash the sins of birth away.”
Ah. Then what if we have sex in the baptismal font?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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