evolution is bullshit.
how did we come from apes and yet they are 6-10 times stronger than us?? i never heard of things upgrading by getting weaker
Same way as usual. That is, seminal ejaculation via the dick up the female's cunt. Fertilization of an egg, etc, etc. Why? How did you imagine it was done, you suave devil you?
P.S. I don't think you've finished coming from apes yet.
How are the tiny, five-pound laptops of today an improvement over the massive, room-sized computers of the seventies? I mean, they're smaller and much less durable.
i never heard of things upgrading by getting weaker
Well, obviously you've never paid attention to the bush White House.
Evolution is not about upgrades, it's about adaptation and change. It's as much about trade-offs as anything else.
But I wouldn't expect a fundie to even try to understand.
We became smarter, not stronger.
Most of us.
Also: We did not evolve from apes; we share a common ancestor with apes. Call him Adam if you like?
a) we didn't come from apes. Apes and humans came from a common ancestor.
b) Evolution doesn't "upgrade" animals. It makes them better fitted to their particular lifestyle. That's why cows can digest grass, seals can live in the water, fungi can digest PCBs and humans can make space shuttles.
simple thought experiment: imagine a gorilla with all his tools of defense and a human with all his tools of defense in a cage. who will win? the human, having shot the gorilla before he could even come within touching distance
but it's really no surprise that a fundie would completely fail to see the merit of human intelligence and innovativeness.
i never heard of things . ..
There is more in heaven and earth, Horatio, than is dreamt of in your philosophy.
We didn't evolve from apes. Humans and apes have common ancestor. Our evolution was a trade off. How many apes do you see piloting planes? Running computer? Performing surgery?
Our upgrade was higher intelligence.... in most cases.
Species do not upgrade, they evolve. They are living things.
Computers upgrade, they do not evolve. They are made things.
Even if that were true (which it isn't, get your facts about evolution straight), we are smarter, so we create tools that make us succeed in the fields apes can't.
Firstly, more muscles is not necessarily better. In the case of humans we dedicate a lot more resources to brain development. I particularly enjoy the fact that although I am not stronger than an ape I am definitely way smarter (I guesss you would have preferred the muscles as opposed to the brain).
Secondly, Evolution is not the same as upgrading. Evolution is a coping mechanism. Looks like your family line is not going to be coping for much longer though.
Who's got thumbs, language, tools, cursorial hunting, oral traditions, neotony and big brains? You think that's less fit than muscles?
Weaker, how? I could kill a great ape right now, no trouble. And from 200 yards away. He wouldn't be able to do a thing about it.
I'm not going to do it, though. I think apes are just fine the way they are. And so would they, if only we'd leave them alone and stop shooting them.
The apes evolved to suit their jungle environment. Man evolved to suit his environment: a different kind of jungle.
You, Mr Capone, may have evolved physically, but intellectually you are a gnat.
A simple lance made of stone is capable of creating a pressure 15-20 times stronger than an unarmed man. Therefore more muscular density than that strictly necessary to operate one became just an unnecessary waster of energy. A little like firing workers once a more efficient machinery is bought. Good point anyway.
Also, evolution is not upgrading. It is adapting.
And the strenght of a chimp is more around 5 time ours.
"Yes, well since your understanding of evolution equates to leveling up a character in WoW, I can see why."
And even then, levelling in WoW can make you weaker. It takes more Agility, Defense Rating, Crit Rating, Hit Rating, etc.. to get the same bonuses against a level X creature the higher your level is. Also, warriors and bear-form druids gain less rage per damage point they inflict as they level up.
Genius also forgot that as our ancestors moved from jungles to plains and from semi-bipeds to full bipeds out frames became less compact and we became a lot better at moving across open areas, especially while carrying stuff.
I doubt there's a primate out there that can match an athletic human on the sprint or marathon run.
Well, maybe lemurs, with their little side hop thing, but that evolutionary branch forked a long time ago.
As everyone has said, our intelligence is the big game breaker when it comes to our evolutionary fitness.
But that aside, we are not necessarily weaker than the chimps or even the gorillas. They may be able to exert more force for some muscle motions, but we are better at others - especially at endurance exercise.
You'd be a fool to challenge a chimp to a fair wrestling match, but you can beat one at a foot race very easily. Almost _no_ animal can beat us at the marathon (the horse is the exception). That's why persistence hunting works.
The chimps and gorillas and orangs evolved to different forest environments. _We_ evolved to run across the savanna and hit things with sticks.
We are apes, stupid! Some great apes are indeed stronger than us, some are about as strong. Maybe the bonobos are sligtly weaker than us?
What's this about upgrading? Evolution is just adapting to a changing environment.
If, by getting weaker, a species can be better at something else, and the getting weaker does not jeopardize survival, it might be an "upgrade".
Also, the stronger apes might have gotten their strongness after we split into different branches of the Great Ape tree.
Did apes develop weapons? Yeah, we traded ridiculous strength for weaponry that got ever more sophisticated. A chimp may be able to destroy me in a fist fight, but guess what? We have a nice thing called firearms.
sharp stones in the savannah and being f*ing smart > being strong
but of course, you kinda missed out on that 'smart' part.
Apes such as the Chimp and Gorilla are NOT stronger per unit weight than humans who exercise. Chimps and gorillas don't sit around all the time watching TV and drinking beer. They run, climb, etc, endlessly.
Sure wild chimps are stronger than today's human couch potatoes, but not stronger than those humans who give their bodies the regular workouts that their bodies require.
“evolution is bullshit.”
Betcha you don’t know enough about evolution to have such an opinion!
“how did we come from apes”
And there you go. We ARE apes, dipshit. You’re already in over your head.
“and yet they are 6-10 times stronger than us??”
Us are stronger than us, that’s what you just said. We are apes.
What you MEAN to say is that we came from chimps or gorillas, that are strong. But that’s not the theory, either.
But even if you were anywhere CLOSE, evolution means change, right?
You’re trying to compare us to species that are DIFFERENT from us. So, even if the theory was that we came from gorillas, there were a lot of CHANGES. So, we’re different. That’s what was supposed to happen.
“i never heard of things upgrading by getting weaker”
You know what power steering is?
Used to be, before power steering, there was just steering. And to drive a truck took huge fucking hams of muscles on the arms. Inventing power steering meant a lot more people could control a car, even at higher speeds. You don’t have to be able to bench press a horse to drive, not anymore.
Steering got easier, and that’s the improvement.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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