A mother killing her own child is not "reproductive freedom".. Reproductive freedom is having intercourse with who you want... So don't put abortion under the mask of "reproductive freedom", its manipulative and hypocritical..
No, it's only manipulative if one is coercing someone to have an abortion against her inner wishes and it's only hypocritical if one believes abortion is murder and then one has an abortion.
Reproductive freedom is not having children if one doesn't want to. Plain and simple.
Calling it "killing her child" is emotional manipulation. And since you yell that your opponent is supposedly manipulating people, you're being hypocritical.
Astonishing how fast your statement is falling apart, Renton...God, what is with you people shaming good anime?
And yes, it would be the freedom to reproduce or not.
I wonder what percentage of "pro-lifers" have actually adopted any abused, neglected, homeless, starving and/or otherwise unwanted children?
Also: Mmmm... fetus stew.
"Manipulative and hypocritical" is YOU, an uninvolved self-righteous busybody presuming to insert yourself into another person's personal situation and inflict your beliefs on others who do not share them or appreciate your attempt to control them.PS You appear to be MALE (somewhat), the solution is simple, you will never be faced with the problem.
The right and ability to control your own reproduction is reproductive freedom.
The right and ability to chose your own sexual partners and activities is SEXUAL freedom.
So I'm going to go ahead and call this a FAIL.
I believe a big problem with pro-choice is that people believe that our stance is pro-abortion. As in, we believe that every baby should be aborted or that it should become the new condom. However, I am pro-choice, but that does not mean that I cheer on every woman who is unfortunate enough to need to have an abortion. I am pro choice because I believe in having the choice.
In essence, the question for me is not; "Is a fetus a human? (What is it? A fish?)" but, "Is it morally ethical, under ANY circumstance, to force a woman to go through pregnancy?"
I simply feel that women, to lose our control over our reproductive systems would in essence, cause us to lose a huge part of our identity and reserve sexual pleasure exclusively for men. I mean, if I knew I couldn't get an abortion if one of my contraceptives failed, I wouldn't ever have sex out of sheer fear. And that, my friends, is no different from several centuries ago where women were married off and their purpose was to have children.
Whooo, that was long.
What about that God of yours, killing off some 95 of every 100 implanted embryos before birth?
It would seem our reproductive process is very far from intelligently designed...
Intercourse is not reproduction. Intercourse can lead to reproduction, sure. But most of the times it does not. Reproductive freedom also means freedom FROM reproduction, if that's what someone wants. That was what the sexual revolution for women was all about; to be able to enjoy sex without the fear of pregnancy and social stigma.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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