An atheist can say that he doesnt believe in God but has no idea what is to come. Almost the same as someone standing on a busy highway and saying "I don't believe in cars" but they also don't know what is coming either, lol
I've got a pretty good idea what's to come. Technology will continue to both improve and lengthen our lives. Religions will continue to divide us. When I, myself, die, I will be cremated. My hope is that I will have made somewhat of an impact before I die.
Not believing in cars while standing on a busy highway kinda tends to be lethal.
However, I can yell out 'I don't believe any god exists' and actively not believe in any god whatsoever and it has fuck all effect on my life.
It takes a bit of time, and if I yell out too loud my throuat starts to hurt, but that's basically it.
Your comparison fails.
Yeah, you're right! It's ALMOST the same. The only difference being that there is ample evidence for the existence of cars, and no evidence what-so-ever for the existence of god. Other than that, they're exactly the same!
Ok Joe, time for your meds now!
Not quite the same. I have a car. I can get pictures of cars. I can go to a factory that makes cars. I can find people who make cars. God is nowhere to be found, lol.
Also god shouldn't be standing in a highway. Iron chariots y'know.
If I were a motorist on that busy highway, I'd sound my horn. It's a pity that it hasn't occurred to God to do the same. Instead, He has to make do with a jumble of mutually contradictory traffic signs posted nowhere near the highway. It's almost as though ... gosh, I know this sounds silly ... cars existed but God didn't.
"An atheist can say that he doesnt believe in God but has no idea what is to come."
And you can? Prove an 'afterlife' exists. Do you have a "Sliders"-style dimensional portal generator? Well, it's the only way will we Atheists acknowledge that a 'Heaven' and even a 'Hell' exists, if we can visit these places now. Otherwise, they don't exist.
"Almost the same as someone standing on a busy highway and saying "I don't believe in cars" but they also don't know what is coming either, lol"
At least I can see cars. Better be prepared to show us 'Heaven' and 'Hell' now , otherwise what you say is just a non-sequitur, and have your whole argument destroyed.
Claiming an 'afterlife' exists without proof of such, to the satisfaction of we Atheists? LOL.
"GOD IS A CAR?!?!?!"
Dunno about the likes of Herbie or K.I.T.T., but Christine is Satan. Oh, and Jesus Built My Hotrod.
Okay, I'll stand in a parking lot with you. I'll throw a tennis ball at a car, you can throw one at God. Who ever connects first, wins.
I'm not taking in this message until it has satisfied basic punctuation standards, like a fucking full stop at the end. Missing a full stop at the end of a sentence, particularly if the last word is something like "lol", makes you look like a moro- Oh wait.
It's a lot harder not to believe in cars than it is not to believe in an invisible, intangible magician who never seems to do anything that couldn't be explained by natural forces. Here's a better analogy:
An atheist can say that he doesn't believe in God but has no idea what is to come. Almost the same as someone standing on the corner and saying "I don't believe in unicorns" but they also don't know what is coming either, lol
Well, hey, he could get trampled by a unicorn, couldn't he? I mean, just because no one has ever seen one or seen any tangible evidence whatsoever that they exist, you can't prove he couldn't, could you?
An idiot can say that they don't believe in cars, but they are still very much capable of trying to safely observe cars, from the side of the road, before running into danger. However, nobody can observe your god anymore than they can observe any other mythological figures that allegedly threaten doom if you do not believe in them.
That said, if the cars were invisible and super quiet, regardless of speed... no, no then you'd still be able to observe other people going splat when they decided to challenge the idea of invisible death cars. Plus, any driver who doesn't, at the absolute least, try to honk their horn so as to alert the person to impending danger, is a monster. Therefore, unless you're trying to make the point that your god is a monster, your analogy fails on multiple levels.
"I don't believe in cars"
Then that means you're a heretic, Joe:
'Jesus had a Honda: John 12:49: "For I did not speak of my own Accord"'
-Jeremy Clarkson, "Top Gear"
No. It's almost the same as someone standing, sitting or crouching anywhere, saying "I don't believe in deities for whom there is no evidence credible evidence exist and for whom there is plenty of evidence supporting their non-existence.
P.S. Believing in a fairy tale does not bestow worthwhile ideas of what is to come, facts do that.
You believe in God, but can you give me evidence, other than the bible, for what you "know" is coming?
An believer can say that he believes in God but has no idea what is to come. Almost the same as someone standing on a busy highway and praying "Please God, don't let them hit me" but they also don't know what is coming either, lol
Aww, Mr. Spak and Aura Twilight beat me to the iron chariots.
Highway 3:14-17: "(14) And I shall charge forward with mine accelerator upon the floor, aye, and I shall not stop though the unbelievers scream in terror. (15) Even unto meatpaste shall I render them. (16) And my window shalt be open upon them, that I may cry out: Iron chariot, bitches! (17) For I am the Way and the Truth and the Light."
You have no more idea of what's to come than the rest of us, Joe. The only difference is that you've swallowed a lot of fairytales and you think you know. But really you're just as much in the dark as anyone still living.
At least if I didn't believe in cars I would have religious grounds to ignore my last parking ticket. $75, damnit! I had to sell two textbooks to pay it!
Well, see there's a difference, guy:
Disbelief in god is rational, whereas disbelief in a car that's barreling towards you on the highway is extremely ir rational.
If they don't believe in cars, the highway wouldn't have been made in the first place. Your point?(by the way, in Greece and Spain, and judging statistics, many behave as if what you state were true)
Almost the same with few minor exceptions:
There is evidence of the existence of cars.
There is good reasons to avoid being hit by a car since the potential results of being in a car accident are well known.
Let me help you with your analogy:
Atheists is like someone who is being constantly warned that he is going to get hit by an elf riding an unicorn with two pixies in his pocket and the only way to avoid it is to ask Santa to bring magical protective gear, but the only way to talk to Santa is to give your money, control of your life choices and political influence to the guys warning you.
If you already gave your money to the guy warning you about being hit by an elf riding an unicorn with two pixies in his backpack you are obviously too blind and foolish to be helped anyway and you deserve to be hit by the elf with two pixies in his POCKET!!!
“An atheist can say that he doesnt believe in God but has no idea what is to come”
Oh! Come and see the threat inherent in the system!
“Almost the same as someone standing on a busy highway and saying "I don't believe in cars" but they also don't know what is coming either, lol.
YOU think i face AN ETERNITY of suffering and that’s laugh-out-loud funny to you?. When i was a Xian i thought it was inbearably sad. But maybe that’s why i failed at being a Christain, compassion for other people. So many Xians seem happy without it.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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