You know how many school shootings there have been since the theory of evolution started being taught in school? It's gone crazy! You know how exponentially crime has gone up? When you teach kids that they're nothing but animals, they start to act like animals. Imagine that!
Great. Another AIG clone. Well, one problem is that when you look at places like Europe or Japan, where evolution is taught more vigoursly than here, there are fare FEWER school shootings.
Why is that? Perhaps because there aren't as many creationist nutjobs infecting people with that particular neurosis of theirs.
I was under the impression that crime rates in the USA were decreasing. USA is the only country I have heard of that is arguing whether to teach biblical crap instead of proper science. No other country gives this a second thought. Not to mention that school shootings appear to be an exclusively american phenomenon. Evolution or not, you're still an alarmist fuck.
Percentage of people shot by guns in school, at work, on the street, or anywhere else before Jesus: 0%
Percentage of people shot after Jesus: 100%
Guns don't kill people, Jesus kills people.
""You know how many school shootings there have been since the theory of evolution started being taught in school?"
Yeah, and the same could be said for freeing the slaves, electric lighting, automobiles and invention of the spork.
Let's call this a hypothetical situation: A kid who accepts evolution as a fact is then tormented by a group of fundamentalist kids who accept creationism. They tell this one kid he will burn in hell for all eternity and that they will stand around in heaven laughing at him. They describe in great detail all the horrid things that await him and taunt him with the euphoria of heaven. (All the details of which they got from their local megachurch pastor because he is just so in touch with god.) One day he cracks, gets his uncle’s gun (father doesn’t believe in having them in the home but uncle is a fundamentalist), goes to the school and guns down his tormentors.
So tell me, whom do you blame for this little tragedy?
The crime rate has gone down. I don't understand why everyone thinks it's going up. School shootings don't happen as often as you think. When they do happen, they tend to be reported by the media. Over a period of time, the reports accumulate so that it looks like it happens every friggin' five minutes. I can forgive you for thinking that.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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