"You need to explain basic evolutionary concepts to me, as I asked in the other thread, in your own words."
1. life started from some mud pool,extreme heat,gases etc etc!! scientist dont even know! its all theories.
2. some how a franken-cell came evolved into the first plant,animal,micro oraginsim who knows what the heck it first turned into.
3. some how plants evolved into animals,then animals turned into humans.
there you go the silly evolution.
I'm not even convinced he was an answer. He's content in his ignorance, only popping up to ask the same asinine questions to "evolutionists."
Seriously, I couldn't care less if you know truth, just fuck off.
Maybe if you actually did some research into evolution, you'd understand why it's real. How is it possible that we use the science of evolution in any and every biology related laboratory across the globe and yet it makes no sense? We teach evolution as a post-secondary discipline, but it's wrong?
Finally, evolution is a theory just as gravity is a theory. There is much scientific data to back up evolution and hardly any acknowledge scientific data that refutes it. Look into it.
You don't want answers, if you did you'd go find introductory sites, or go to the library, or something along that line.
You just want to taunt people who are dumb enough to fall for your bait.
Of course I'm going to feel really bad for the one person who is actually looking for truth
Replace "scientists" with "I," and it starts to make sense.
1. Predominately liquid earth with a very warm atmosphere that has little oxygen. Technically, we can't be 100% sure, and "it is all a bunch of theories," but I could say the same thing (or less) of your Bible.
2. What was that 4 step thesis I'm learning in biology? Simple molecules form into amino acids and such, which form into organic molecules, which develop membranes to separate themselves from their environments, which become the first cells? I think that's more-or-less right. From there, they can become colony bacteria, which become things that behave like plants or organs. A few mutations down the road, you have an actual plant or primative animal. From there, the sky's the limit. The important question now is why I'm wasting my effort explaining this when, even if it somehow gets to you, you'll be too stupid or willfully ignorant to understand it.
3. I suppose I basically explained how this chain is possible, so let's add another.
4. Your name should be "IKnowLies" or "IAmBrainwashed."
Human life started because something blew into dirt. He may have made the female of the species by blowing on dirt or stealing a rib from the male of the species(two contradictory stories follow each other in this book). Yeah, silly Judeo_Christian creationists( but the other 200 reliigious creation stories aren't much better).
1) Not the theory of evolution. Take it up with the theory of abiogenesis.
2) It turned into neither of those things, that wouldn't be gradual enough.
3) Plants and animals are suppose to have evolved side by side, not one from the other. Also, animals did not 'turn into' humans. Humans ~are~ animals.
"1. life started from some mud pool,extreme heat,gases etc etc!! scientist dont even know! its all theories."
No, they're not theories. Abiogenesis is barely a hypothesis at the moment and there are various hypotheses competing for the right to be called a theory.
"2. some how a franken-cell came evolved into the first plant,animal,micro oraginsim who knows what the heck it first turned into."
You think scientists think a cell "evolved" into a planet? Why do you people revel in such displays of outright (and apparently intentional) ignorance of basic facts on damned near everything?
"3. some how plants evolved into animals,then animals turned into humans."
Plants did not evolve into animals. Plants evolve into other plants. At one point plants and animals share a common ancestor but that's waaaaaaay the hell back toward the beginning of life on the planet.
By the way, humans are animals. Shocking, I know. I thought we were rocks for a while myself since we're obviously not plants and we're nothing at all like those filthy animals, right?
Your god has 1 book that is several hundred pages long - just one book, that's it.
Science in all it's branches have millions of books. Evolution has thousands of books - read one of them - just one! try it.
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