The real paradox comes when Creationists go out of their way to put God into schools.
Then up comes Kitzmiller vs. Dover in 2005, which puts a spanner in the works. Or was it pure coincidence...?
Y'see it all started when you of the Religious Right, who believes in Creationism, voted in - twice - George Dumbya Bush, a Christian Conservative who believes in Creationism as your God Emperor (later God Emperor of Fucking Up, but we'll get to that later, kiddies; bear with me), personally appointed to the Federal bench one John E. Jones III - a Conservative Christian - in 2002.
Now we get to the crux of the matter: three years later, Judge John E. Jones III just happened to be presiding over a case entitled Kitzmiller vs. Dover. The defendants basically wanting to forward their own agenda - having Creationism (by Stealth) under the guise of 'Intelligent Design' - taught in their school as fact. The plaintiffs opposed this. So the case went on. However, the defendants' team included one Michael Behe, the US's most educated proponent of 'Intelligent Design'. His 'evidence' & testimony were, to put it mildly, bullshit. Behe made said 'I.D.' case a complete laughingstock, and of course Judge Jones took account of this, especially when it came to his decision at the end of said case.
Suffice to say, Judge Jones found for the plaintiffs. Thus the precedent was set. As a result of said landmark case's precedent, the teaching of 'I.D.' - and thus by definition, Creationism - in all accredited educational establishments in the US, is now illegal and unconstitutional. In essence, Evolution is fact. Creationism is lies.
The law says so.
Now trace the above events back to their beginning. Judge John E. Jones III - George Dumbya Bush - Religious Right, Teabaggers, Neocunts, Rednecks et al. You'll find that it all traces back to said Religious Right. Yes that's right, aaron11. The Religious Right's own educational agenda was ultimately destroyed by the Religious Right themselves.
As with Joseph McCarthy's paranoia blowing up in his face, your own lack of foresight has annihilated the very thing you & your ilk set out to do. It's all your fault, right-wingers. Hindsight isn't 20-20, I think you'll find. And it was all down to your putting into the White House your God Emperor of Fucking Up, George Dumbya Bush (imagine what would've happened if, in 2004, Kerry had been elected?).
You made your Evolutionary bed, now lie in it, Freak Cuntservatives.
The irony is exquisitely sweet, is it not? [/gloating; hyper-smug & ultra-superior]
Moral: 'Hubris'. Learn that word, right-wingers. It could save your lives.
If this right-wing self-annihilation is going to end, Creos need to get their religion out of everything (especially socio-politics), and go back into their closets. Matthew 6:6 orders them to.