TheGoodOne #fundie

[In response to points about allowing gays in the military]

So you say until they get their way and then their true colors will show. And by the way, the Military is not a place where you can express your desires or rights, the Military is for fighting wars and all this controversy does is help to destabilize our Military, Government, Country and way of life.

So you hate Christians, that is being racist. It would be the same if I said I hate Muslims. I am a Christian and take offense to your comments. This country was founded on Christians principles and if you dont like it, please do us a favor and leave. Go to a country where they accept all the crap you are talking about. And your dream will never come true, because I and other Christians in America will never allow you scum to turn the tables.

Piss off LOL.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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