I had this info only on my computer, and then had to reformat when I got a new, bad, virus. So I have to find it. But it was about how to 'disarm' the chips implanted in dental work, umbilical cords, injuries, etc. with powerful magnets. You just place the magnet over the location, and tape it over, for a few days. The powerful magnet destroys it. Also, concerning cell phones; they can tune in to your phone and hear your conversations in the room it is in, while the phone is turned off. I do not know if the backup battery kicks in or not, but to avoid the EMF, I always remove the battery when I am not calling somewhere. Because it IS broadcasting if left in. Incidentally, since reformatting, I am getting malicious pop up spam, telling me my computer will lay an egg if I don't pay money for their software. I've loaded several shields, but nothing seems to work. Any ideas?
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