Anyway, remember when it was "criminal" to be a flamer? Now it's "socially acceptable" and we are being forced by the "policymakers" to accept these people among us. What will be the next tabboo behavior becoming the "norm" - incest; child molesters, animal sodomists? You watch, "We shouldn't judge". It's coming.
...Hey, if we're going that route, come over here! It's been illegal to be either Catholic or Protestant over here at various time points, so you won't mind following repealed laws and being put to death, right? Right?
@ Old Viking: Not TV Weather People! They lie! Off to hell with them, where today the temperature is a balmy 2100 degrees Celcius. This heatwave is expected to continue throughout eternity. Now, back to Mitch with Sports...
You do realize, of course, that the slippery slope you are on is the trash chute?
Oh - and that "We shouldn't judge" part is in your own Bible and is a central tenet of your religion. In fact, by your own religion you will be passed over during the Rapture. You watch, "I'm a flaming hypocrite." It's coming.
Yeah, right. It's probably complete bullshit anyway.
....flamer.... :\
....flamer.... :\
AH! He means GAY! *slaps forehead*
Funny little generational gap, isn't it? And here I was thinking he meant that posting obnoxious online messages leads to pedophilia!
What the flying fuck is a "flamer", besides someone who flames badfics?
Edit: Oh, I see. o_ò That's... oh, well, the same as always.
Oh and remember when it was 'criminal' for a woman to vote or for black people to eat in any restaurant they wanted or jews to live in certain neighborhoods?
Sheesh, what next? Giving everyone the same rights as if they were inalienable or something? Judging people by the content of their character instead of some benign trait?
You watch. it's coming! (I hope)
Informed consent doesn't rule out incest, though, does it? (Which I suppose is why cyborgtroy is betting on it being the first to be legalized.) And I'm not so sure the concept is really applicable to non-humans either.
(P.S. aaron11369's post was a lot more fun before I realized he didn't mean internet flamers.)
I think you could go either way on that. Most people find it incredibly ooky, and as it happens the question of genetic defects can be partially sidestepped by using birth control. That said... aw, fuck it. Who knows. It's creepy and abnormal, but so is BDSM, and it's a lot easier to come up with a legal argument against BDSM, but no one's going to ban that.
Genetic problems are a whole 'nother issue. I was just talking about informed consent.
Personally, supposing they use a 100% effective method of birth control (like menopause or homosexuality), I can think of no reason even close relatives shouldn't be allowed to have sex if they want to. For lesser forms of birth control I'm undecided.
Aaron11369 seems to forget that being gay doesn't actually harm anyone or anything. "Consenting adults" and all that. (Which doesn't completely rule out incest, but you get my point.)
Oh, wait, he's probably one of those people that doesn't understand consent. Y'know, seeing as how his type tend to see women as property and all.
...Who uses the word "flamer" to describe gay people, aside from other gay people?
On that note, at least he didn't mention polygamy in his Parade Of Possible Horrors.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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