[No. No ones going to get killed here (Britain) for being christian. If anything the christians want it most. They do so love to play the persecution card. They think that having the opportunity to endure oppression makes them more christ-like.]
I can appreciate where you are coming from but Muslims plan to outbreed Europeans and are doing it well.. The UK WILL become a Muslim nation in time.. I have seen the phrase "We will outbreed you with the bellies of our women" many times... That is the master plan and the Muslims can pull it off.. They are VERY patient, and know greater numbers is the ultimate answer.. Personally I fear for europe... the US too, just a little later down the road..
Well, I don't think there is a "master plan," but it may well be possible that inmigrants and their descendents end up being more numerous than you. More genetic diversity, maybe?
His name is Spongebob. That's a bit disconcerting, especially since the real Spongebob is much more fun loving and laid back. This guy is just nuts, well, sort of. I have seen studies done saying that the Muslims breeding like rabbits will cause them to overcome most, if not all, other religions in Europe within the next 10-20 years.
BTW, demographics for England:
Christian: 71.75%
Muslim: 2.97%
It's going to take them a loooong time to catch up.
Even if a few extremists do boast about demographically overwhelming Europe, that doesn't make it true. As people gain education and economic upward mobility, they tend to have fewer children, regardless of religion. Nothing says every Muslim couple, or even most, will diligently screw their way into a majority certainly not for the decades that would take. Khrushchev memorably announced that the Soviet Union would outlive the United States, but 30 years later his successors gave up that idea.
"Muslims plan to outbreed Europeans and are doing it well"
Muslim is not a race or other genetic factor. Thus, this scenario is impossible.
Even if any of what you are saying were true and our Muslim compatriots started breeding like rabbits, Britain becoming a Muslim nation won't happen in your lifetime, your children's lifetime, or even their children's lifetime. And frankly at that point all bets are off and it becomes too much of a hypothetical scenario to have any reasonable worries.
If the European history of the last 3 millennia teaches us anything it's that we can't go even a hundred years without a major war, massive waves of migration and the redrawing of national and ethnic boundaries. We've been doing relatively well these last 64 years, but making weird predictions and worrying about stuff that may or may not happen well into the 23rd century is a pointless waste of time.
Islam is the fastest growing religion around the world, but much of its spread is due to conversion and usually in hotbeds of unrest or among prison populations, which truly is a cause for alarm.
The notion of any one religion or population "outbreeding" another is ludicrous. Children rebel, convert, ignore, etc., and it's usually the children of the most conservative factions of any one group who become almost polar opposites of what their parents are.
Look at Catholics - you want to find the easiest teenage girl in any town? Go find the most conservative Catholic parents. Their teenaged kids will be the biggest drunks, druggies and hos you'll ever meet.
And? Even if any shred of this were true (which it's not), who gives a shit? You fuckers are so paranoid, aren't you? If its not the EVIL GAYZZ!!!111 that are doing the killing, it's the EVIL MUSLIMZZZ!!!1 that will. Stupid assholes.
So, let me think. How many British Muslims do I now know or have I known in the last forty years? Not that many, I suppose. Maybe it's the company I keep, but most have been nominal Muslims (just like many of my friends are at best nominal Christians). Religious identity becomes a notional idea rather than a strongly-held personal belief. After a generation or two the customs mellow, to the point where drinking Guinness and eating sausage and chips is commonplace and goes unremarked.
Bearing in mind that only Bangladeshi have overall more kids than the native British(and not much more. Besides, the majority of them are men anyway), the quotation, if said, makes no sense.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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