Oops; Psycho Tits says...
Matt Forney has again proven himself to be a wet load of human fecal matter roughly the shape of a man. (I wonder if that woman-hating, but pussy-loving, cretin can take on other forms as well.)
One of my first interactions with INTERPOL, back in 2004, concerned my receipt of an extremely graphic and very troubling e-mail which contained *young* child pornography and an invitation to join the site that hosted it. (I immediately contacted my ISP, federal investigators, and INTERPOL.)
I was told, when asking for an update on the situation, that the purveyors of that filth move from server to server in the same way as a virus moves from person to person; that by the time law enforcement knows about these sites, the content is moved. He also told me (obviously back when this occurred) that the majority of child pornography - some of which, called "hurtcore," made it to my inbox - originated in the Russian Federation.
Here's a look at the state of affairs in Russia as it related to human trafficking and child pornography back in 2006 - https://www.unicef.org/ceecis/Unicef_EnglishBook(1).pdf
Part of the reason such large amounts of child pornography were coming from Russia during that period is because the possession of child pornography was not made illegal there until 2012 - http://www.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/europe/06/02/russia.child.porn/
In 2012, the Duma passed a federal law, the Russian Internet Restriction Bill, in an alleged attempt to severely limit the creation and dissemination of child pornography. Not surprisingly, this law has enough latitude that it can be used as a tool of censorship against sites entirely unrelated to pornography of any sort.
That law was passed five years ago and I'm sure it has been used to shut down scores of websites since then - but has it been used successfully against child pornography? (C'mon; guess.)
Researchers at ECPAT, an NGO that exists "to eliminate the sexual exploitation of children," determined that Russia is still the second largest distributor of child pornography in the world - http://www.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/europe/06/02/russia.child.porn/
(According to InsightCrime, an NGO that focuses on the nature and extent of criminal activity in Latin America and in the Caribbean, Mexico is the world "leader" in this area.)
The Russian government could no more effectively ban adult pornography than they can stop the mafias which create the most disturbing forms of sexually explicit content involving human beings of any age (including infants).
If Forney is truly gullible enough to believe the Russian government cares in any way, shape, or form about whether citizens watch or even create and distribute pornography, his credulity belies any attempt to measure it.
According to his site, Forney is a journalist - one who apparently missed the memo that actual reporters do actual research.
In reality, he's merely just another useful idiot, this time serving Russian interests.
Putin and his cronies are playing the very old game of distraction and misdirection, a kind of verbal 'slight-of-hand' which takes attention off a real story and fastens it onto something relatively minor and yet still hotly debated in public. This tactic takes eyes off far more important issues and directs them toward absurdity such as whether adult pornography should be allowed - which is precisely where Forney has fixed his attention as evidenced in this quote.
Putin is currently locked into a dangerous policy of brinkmanship that could easily cost millions of lives, if not more.
Meanwhile, Matt Forney is focusing on how great it is that the government is trying to outlaw pornography. It's ridiculous. He is ridiculous (and like so many other people with that charming character trait, he has a remarkably inflated sense of his own importance - and he gains that sense in part by denigrating women in service to his own grating ego.)
I know Forney's young, having been born in 1988. He might want to give some thought, however, to the fact that he will one day die. And when that day comes, will people remember him as someone who left the world a better place...or will they remember this misogynistic moron at all?
He is clearly mean-spirited and ignorant - as in, lacking knowledge - to a degree that must be deliberate. Maybe he thinks his silly shock tactics aimed at women will increase his hits - and it surely does - but it remains unclear how any of the shit he's doing qualifies him as a journalist (or even as the intern that gets journalists coffee).
(UNRELATED QUESTION: Can someone please tell me how to embed links? Thank you.)