If these complex mammals were around at the time of the dinosaurs then it would constitute proof that Human Beings existed along side the dinosaurs as well. It is because everything was intelligently designed from DAY ONE!!!
Why have there been no Human fossils found from this time? Obviously there just weren't that many Humans around at that time. If the U.S. military can't find WMD in a little country like Iraq how could anyone expect to find a few dozen Human fossils on the whole Planet?!?!?!
People only believe that the Earth is millions of years old because they have bought into the big lie; that evolution accounts for speciation.
If one believes that evolution accounts for speciation then one also believes that the Earth has been around for a long time because it would take thousands of generations for speciation to occur.
This is a perfect example of the effectiveness of the BIG LIE TECHNIQUE perpetrated on innocent students by leftist "public education".
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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