"P.S. If there are no traces of "liberalism," how will one define "conservativism?"
If the likes of Failian9 here got exactly what they wanted, a world inhabited purely by right-wing fundies, one of two things would happen:
1- There'd be civil wars breaking out over who was 'more fundie than thou'. Resulting in one last human being, who was the most 'righteous of them all'. But in his impatience for the (C)Rapture to happen, as the decades went by, in his own ultimate fundie example of "I am Legend", he'd accelerate said (C)Rapture by killing himself. Thus would peace reign, as the lifeform known as Humanity would become extinct.
2- In their fundie utopia, there would be nothing for them to justify their sad, little judgemental existences. Thus they'd all do a Jonestown and kill themselves.
Just as Hitler needed a convenient soft target to transfer his own inadequacies upon, thus do fundies need gays, liberals, Atheists, and generally anyone not exactly like them to rant & rave at.
'Evil must have Good to feed upon. Then Evil destroys itself.'
-Ancient Chinese proverb