I know this will offend people, but if your eyes aren't gray or blue, you're not really white. White people don't have green, hazel, or brown eyes.
You know people have always joked
"Once racists get their perfect white dream world, they will find other excuses to act shitty towards people like nationality, eye color, and genetic traits"
A:Those people are right (likely)
B:This is poe (likely)
C: This person is trying to make a point to the racists in the city-data forum in a subtle way (maybe)
Phew! I'm really white (in Sommanog's eyes); what a RELIEF!!!
So, Irish/Scottish people are not white? They often have very pale-white skin, green eyes and red hair.
"Black Irish", on the other hand, have black hair and cobalt blue eyes.
Ya know, dearie, the more you limit what is to be seen as "white", the more "white" becomes a minority...
So if you look at me up close, I am white but if you look at me from far away I am not white because up close my eyes are blue but far away my eyes are hazel?
My mother has green eyes, so she is not white?
And my cousin and her mother are not white?
Racists are weird.
You still meet some (very very old) English people who think "the wogs start at Dover," meaning that basically everybody outside of England, including possibly the Welsh, is inferior.
I don't think this necessarily means the English are more bigoted; they are just the ones I know about. The point is, some white people actually do manage to be racist against other white people. You sometimes can hear the history of this when the BBC is interviewing Italians. Not kidding.
By the time you get close enough to see the color of their eyes, you've probably already made the decision to whether somebody is white or black or brown, or friend or foe. Of course, some people you can't tell until they start to talk, and then you can tell if they're racist or not.
*looks in the mirror at her green eyes*
Damn...and here I thought I was white. I mean I'm so white that if I spend more than 20 minutes in direct sunlight, I turn red as a lobster.
Well, gotta tell hubbz we`re an interracial couple then.
Also assuming this isn`t a poe(I do know of some cretins with these exact views RL) You just made me hate my blue eyes and blond hair... Even if just for a moment. Thanks, dipshit.
It reflects an archaic view of race that was even more minutely petty than we usually see. Not even skin color was enough, specific forms and traditions were deciding factors, meaning "passing" was more of a thing and it sounded even stupider. Generally, it was an Anglo-Saxon thing, even if the Saxons had been the whipping boys after 1066. They gave a pass to Normans, but considered Brythonic and Gaelic people's to be inferior subhuman. This was mostly British but those who held British bigotry in high regard held it up too. Americans used that and religion to fuel the xenophobic "No Irish need apply" thing. H.P. Lovecraft, the notorious bigot, wrote a body-horror/bloodline-horror story, "Facts concerning the late Arthur Jermyn and his family" about a man who kills himself on learning an ancestor was not human but an albino ape. This was driven by his obsession with bloodline purity and genetic pollution, all coming from the fact that he learned that one grandmother was Welsh.
>Psalmanazaar, Gabriel LaVedier:
Meanwhile, not only were the primary "racial enemies" of the Nazis (Ashkenazim) Jews and Slavs, who look exactly like non-Jewish Germans, they also had subraces of the German race, like the Brandenburg race or the Bavarian race (or something like that) for brown-eyed brunette Germans etc. On that note, my maternal grandfather, who was born during that time, whose hair is most definitively black (well, he is greying now), officially is brunette.
if your eyes aren't gray or blue, you're not really white.
Ha! If you don't have red hair and burn to a crisp in the sun, you don't know what being white is. If you tan, you might as well head off back to Africa right now. ;-)
This reminds me of the famous racist "bible" the Turner Diaries. Towards the end, after the white revolution has won, there is a line about a 'final purge of undesirable elements among the remaining white population'.
I remember reading someone joking, or saying seriously, the Nazis would have attempted, after exterminating the lesser races, to take care of the non-blond and the ones whose eyes weren't blue.
Sadly, "privileged whites" heaping bananas on a black soccer player’s car is a much worse crime then "repressed Blacks expressing justified anger" throwing cobble stones or Molotov cocktails onto police and burning down neighborhoods of London, Paris, or Los Angeles
My mother had brown eyes, and she was born on an island where almost the entire population was of Irish or English descent. Her family came from England in the 1650's and have lived on that island ever since. If she wasn't white, I don't know who is.
Being more mobile for longer than other race sets has given Caucasians this Heinz 57 quality, I'm proud to be a part of the mix.
Both me and my wife have siblings with straightish to tight curls hair, Brown, green, blue eyes of several shades (I have brown eyes with blue rings that become more noticeable at times, I'm guessing dietary fluxuations or dehydration results of summer in the service industry) My father and his sister had hazel eyes, my father had auburn hair, his sister oarngey and me and my sons have blonde or reddish hair during late summer exposures.
Heinz 57. It actually makes us the envy of many other races, the really pale skinned among us even. I also believe gray eyes are fairly common, at least not rare in the American native populations.
So, if I'm not really white... what am I?
And does it actually matter?
If I wear blue contact lenses, does that make me white?
What if a blue-or grey-eyed child is born to a brown-eyed couple with otherwise brown-eyed children (brown being the most dominant eye colour while grey is the most recessive)? Am I, whose eyes are grey, white even though my mother has brown eyes?
I know this will offend you, but the First Order don't care about race .
Just ask the one who helped the above escape in one of their TIE Fighters.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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