i can not reply to Dawkins's type argument "why would God" we talking science here.Well below some more evolutionist's speculation abut human and kangaroo common ancestor. This time author says that the "large parts of genome were conserved". Ha ha ha "conserved" of course by the omnipotent chance for the future vision of upcoming humanity. Do not you people use brain at all? Do you suppose that mice was a common ancestor for all primates? Were primates contemporary to mice at the original ancestry time or were there only mice at the stage?
speaking of terms of natural selection: it would not "conserve" anything, It would eliminate all unnecessary features in the legendary ancestor because keeping it for the future humanity would be huge energy consuming effort..
Geeez. Who you call retards?
Oh. Well, I must say that you've convinced me about the falsehood of evilution... but that doesn't make christian creationism any less of a bullshit. I mean, according to christian creationist religious biblical scientist theologian researchers, God created the world 666 years ago during the 40-day exodus of the twelve apostles, after drowning the Heavens to get Pharaoh and his rouge angles swallowed by space whales, while at the same time getting crucified with Adam and Goliath on Mount Sinai by Herod. How does that make any sense ?
speaking of terms of natural selection: it would not "conserve" anything, It would eliminate all unnecessary features in the legendary ancestor ...
But most "features" are not unnecessary, especially at the cell chemistry level. For example, cytochrome c is a vital cellular chemical without which most multi-cell life can't exist. If the gene for cytochrome c is damaged, the plant or animal is never born, so the damaged gene can never be passed on. Do you use brain your at all?
Do you suppose that mice was a common ancestor for all primates?
Of course not. Next stupid question.
You people just can't wrap your minds around the fact that evolution isn't a being, it doesn't think. Saying evolution would do this, or should do that is like saying that a fire should burn differently than it does.
Your god is supposed to be a thinking being, therefore he should have an idea of what the hell he is doing and not screw up more than us pitiful mortals do.
As for the mice, I don't know what the fuck your saying. But don't be surprised when they want to dissect your brain.
wow that was.. dumb
"speaking of terms of natural selection: it would not "conserve" anything, It would eliminate all unnecessary features in the legendary ancestor because keeping it for the future humanity would be huge energy consuming effort..
Geeez. Who you call retards?"
sorry you are 100% WRONG, evolution would only eliminate things that do not help survival of species, which is why humans have genes for tails.
its still there because it doesn't affect survival of humanity
"Who you call retards?"
We call andre retards?
What is, "Non-native speaker's post after the spell checker went apeshit?"
I'll take "WTF" for $1000 Alex.
No huge energy consuming effort. Most of the human genome is junk data that is never expressed; it's been dummied out in the final edition, so to speak. Happens in programming sometimes too. Want to edit out a room in the final version of a video game? Getting rid of the room entirely will get rid of valuable assets and might destabilize the game, requiring long weeks of further debugging and fixing new errors. So what's the best option? Just make the room inaccessible. Lock the door and swallow the key. Natural selection does the same thing.
Are you French or French Canadian, perhaps? That is not English. It looks like English, but no, it really isn't.
If you want to call someone retard, be sure to not look like a retard yourself, when you do it. "Who are you calling retards?" would be a better way to say it.
(I know I do grammatical errors too, it IS my second language, but I try my best not to, with dictionaries and google checks, and I seldom call people retards.)
A mouse-LIKE creature might have been the ancestor of all mammals, yes. But not the mouse that live today, of course.
"Want to edit out a room in the final version of a video game? Getting rid of the room entirely will get rid of valuable assets and might destabilize the game, requiring long weeks of further debugging and fixing new errors. So what's the best option? Just make the room inaccessible. Lock the door and swallow the key"
Sadly I can already see the response.....but the game is "intelligently designed" !1!
Yepp, it looks like the genome of mammals conserved quite a lot. For example, without integrating the genetic material of certain retrovirus species, we couldn't reproduce at all. If a fetus is evolving, there must be something, to protect it from the mothers immune-system to prevent a reaction. Without certain proteins aquirred from retroviruses, we wouldn't exist. The tricky part is, that the whole genom of the virus was integrated, yet parted and inactivated.
There is no "junk-DNA", there are only parts we a) either do not use anymore, but perhaps could need in the future or b) we haven't understood yet.
If somebody is interested in all this, here is a nice starting article about diseases and physiological effects caused by endogenous retroviruses: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1079666/?tool=pmcentrez
"Were primates contemporary to mice at the original ancestry time or were there only mice at the stage?"
Did you seriously just ask if there were both primates and mice extant at the time of their common ancestor? Do you not know what the word "common" means? Or "ancestor"? There is so much logic fail here I can't even begin.
"Do not you people use brain at all?"
I need this on a t-shirt.
But if you say it loud enough, you'll think you sound precocious.
"Do not you people use brain at all?"
Oh. My. Gawd.
Again, I'm appalled to be in the same reality as these people. Frankly, andre, I wouldn't be surprised if the common retard could give a more eloquent speech.
This time author
"The author!" Say your goddamn articles!
(Not so much pronoun abuse, so I paraphrased. More.)
@GodotIsWaiting4U (#1093559): Happens in programming sometimes too. Want to edit out a room in the final version of a video game? [...] Just make the room inaccessible. Lock the door and swallow the key.
Totally OT, but this reminded me of the time I was writing a little adventure game in BASIC (on an Apple ][e, even!), and was using room array element 0 as the inventory. And room number 0 in each room for an inaccessible direction. And forgot to check for 0 before moving to that room. First time I moved in a direction that wasn't listed, I found myself in my own inventory, with no way out. Like the time The Master's TARDIS materialized around Dr. Who's TARDIS, then Dr. Who materialized his around The Master's, creating an infinite recursion...
Umm... what was the subject again..?
"Who you call retards?"
I hope you don't have English as native language, andre, because if you do, then you're, perhaps not retard, but definitely illiterate.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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