Dave Hodges #fundie barbwire.com

There are some very dangerous immigration trends taking place in Western Europe and the United States. Both regions of the world beg the question: How many third world immigrants can a nation absorb until that nation ceases to be what it once was?


If the European Union and the United States do not act now to stem the tide of Sharia Law-inspired immigration, there will cease to be a Western Europe, and possibly a United States, as we know it and the transformation will reach the tipping point in a few short years.


If this omnipresent threat was reversed, Christians by the thousands would be rounded up and led away to prison. Americans are allowing political correctness to pave the way for the imposition of Sharia Law inside the United States because we are too intimidated to name the threat for what it is, an invasion of the very tenets of Christian based society. Sharia Law is synonymous and is tantamount to espousing an overthrow of the existing legal and social order in both Western Europe and the United States



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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