[responding to a male atheist poster who he mistakenly referred to as female]
Hey, when you take these liberal stances and ideals, they are conveyed as being fluffy-weak-wimpy. I, for the life of me, cannot fathom a real true male holding these principles. When gender is not specified, I interpret these posts coming from a female. Believe it or not, I am cutting you slack by presuming you to be a female. You have not vindicated yourself otherwise, in fact you have validated another reason as to why your system and beliefs fail time and again. Take your whole system into these nations who we are already toe-to-toe with and talk like you do, and we should no less than expect attacks against us.
Hey, women tend to have a sniffle approach to problem solving. All his responses were what I expect women to say. You take the gender out of the person speaking, have them spew what he was spewing, and it will sound like it is being spoken by a woman. Period. And that ALSO is another reason that this/his mentality and approach to problems will fail time and again. That is a perfect REAL TIME proof that feminization of men will be a demise of our country. If he is gonna run around in his panties, he cant get offended that most people will presume that that panty wearer as being a female.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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