FairSharFairShar #fundie groups.yahoo.com
Comment on an article posted entitled "DHS: Arizona Proves 'Border Walls Work'" (http://www.breitbart.com/texas/2017/08/24/dhs-arizona-proves-border-walls-work/), and in response to another group member who said, in part, "This has nothing to do with Democrats. Trump was pandering to make such a ridiculous promise in the first place, and he's pandering now." Boldface mine:
Was Clinton and many many many other democrats also pandering when they promised us a wall?
He is trying to hire new ICE agents. There are some in training now. He wants 15,000 more. He has only been there a few months. It takes a good bit of training to be an ICE agent. They are trying to fill these jobs as quickly as possible.
Last president didn't even want ICE agents to do what they were trained to do. It is hard to go from how behind we were to now. Also, you have to realize that last president was HOSTILE to ICE agents and destroyed their morale. Not only that, but most people thought Hillary would be just as bad and the next president. Therefore, the usual training and people wanting to go into that field dwindled because of the hostility of the democrats.
The wall will pay for itself. I made a list of all that we are paying for illegals...I didn't include extra police and fire on that long list. In fact, it will more than pay for itself.
Also, here in California, they can't keep up with fixing our freeways and roads because we have illegals now driving. Our insurance rates have shot upward and so have our license tags, etc...there are many personal things happening to us here that is $$$$ because of illegals. Not to mention, they get advantages getting into colleges that our own kids would have to pay full tuition for.
The other day my daughter told me that one of the girls her son went to school with is pregnant. I asked if she had a job and my daughter said well, she did, but she fell at work so now she is getting disability and unemployment. I asked my daughter how she would pay for the hospital and doctors. My daughter said it is all free...taxpayers pay for it. We are not only paying for doctors and hospital but she got free breast pump and diapers and will get free formula for the baby and all kinds of other freebies.
Once again, the wall will more than pay for itself.
As I have said, many articles have been posted here (and I'm sure you can find them on line) that breaks down what we are paying for the many illegals here (they say 11 million or so...but actually we are now learning it is closer to 30 million and maybe more).
The wall will more than pay for itself.
The border is no political game to me and I'm sure it wasn't to President Trump either.
98% of the heroin being brought in is from Mexico. So what were you saying about fear mongering? Isn't it better to be smart and stop this from happening. How much money are liberals going to want us to pay for to get people off these drugs? How much are the hospital bills, etc?
You probably didn't see his speech the other night but he said a wall is not necessary everywhere and we need to be able to see through it. He knows what he is doing because he is #1--a builder and #2--actually talking to the experts unlike the un-American ass president we used to have.