Fuck your atheism. Darwin was a racist, evolution is an invention OF racism, the most racist genocidal wars in history have been waged since that liitle devil-cock sucking racist put pen to paper to justify what he KNEW was bullshit. Its the title to his book. The 'preservation of favored races in the struggle for life.'
Brilliant, thought-provoking, startling, well-rounded, fact-based and interesting, that's the kind of post I wish you WOULD'VE submitted.
You shoot yourself in the kneecap everytime you talk.
Besides, as far as I am concerned, Martin Luther King was accused of being a Comunist for defending his people. So, atheism is not equal to racism and is not equal to genocide. Yes, I know, King was a minister, but you see, how people stretch their beliefs when they suit them. The genocide of Armenian was made by Muslims, i.e, theists, and the genocide of the Native American, well, when you call heretics and heathens to someone to justify killing, it´s not an atheist speaking, for sure.
Dear Angry Little Man,
1 Atheism and the Theory of Evolution are two seperate & unrelated things, many religious people accept Evolution based on the evidence & find no conflict between it and their faith.
2 Racism & genocide were waged long before Darwin's time.
3 Darwin's research showed he had the best understanding possible in light of the evidence then known, hardly bullshit.
4 "Preservation fo favored races" refers primarily species
5 Darwin's writings reflect someone considerably less racist than his contemporaries.
6 Take some anger managment classes before you hurt yourself or more to the point someone else.
Wasn't social Darwinism (which is what I think this person is talking about) a perversion of the original theory, used by people to justify their own beliefs? Things switched from "I'm better than these people because I'm Christian and they're not" to "I'm better than these people because I'm more highly evolved than them". Either way, it's using religion or science to legitimize one's own racist thinking. It's just a convenient prop.
So WHICH "genocidal war" are you referring to? There have been hundreds of those in human history. And I know for sure that Darwin never started a "genocidal war".
But I understand your anger, though - it must be frustrating for you to be in the bottom of the foodchain. :)
Donnely, get som education FFS!
Spewing lies, hatred, and rage on the internet is not the way to convince people that you have a clue. But since that's all Donnely's got, he's stuck being an asshole.
You realy have no clue.
Darwin had doubts about the accepted racial ideas of his time. And he expressed those doubts.
Darwin was among the first anglo/saxons to seriously consider the possibility that african natives could have a range of emotions.
Evolution is an invention of DNA.
You havenever actualy read the book , so maybe you need to stop lying about it.
"Fuck your atheism."
No, thank you. While there are many atheists with whom I sometimes wish to have sexual relations, I do not believe I would find sex with my lack of belief in God to be gratifying.
"Darwin was a racist,"
No, misunderstandings of what Darwin said, and misuse of his theories have led others to racist philosophies and actions. While a man of his times, Darwin was not really a racist.
"evolution is an invention OF racism,"
No. The fact that you think that indicates that you have a very poor understanding of the ToE.
"the most racist genocidal wars in history have been waged since that liitle devil-cock sucking racist put pen to paper to justify what he KNEW was bullshit."
The most genocidal wars? Hitler's actions against the Jews had a very high body count, it's true, but that wasn't due to Darwin, it was due to Hitler being a nutjob and having access to effective modern war technologies. If the crusaders had access to firearms, planes and high-explosives the crusades would have had a similarly high body count.
Please prove that Darwin was little. Please prove that devils exist. Please prove that Darwin ever sucked the cock of a devil. Please prove that Darwin was a racist. Please prove that Darwin ever thought his theories were bullshit.
I willing stipulate that Darwin DID put pen to paper.
"Its the title to his book. The 'preservation of favored races in the struggle for life.'"
Indeed, but the word "races" has more than one meaning, shitwit. In the case of that book, races refers to species.
Spreading lies about the ToE is just broadcasting the fact that you're an ignorant fucktard.
One; you're full of BS.
Two; even if evolution did lead to such things, it wouldn't make it any less true. The consequences of the truth don't influence the truth.
Three; In the time he was writing, the word "race" was not what it means today.
Fine. You fuck your christianity. Religion is an invention of ignorance. Many of the greatest horrors in history have been perpetuated in the name of religion, thanks to a bullshit book called the Bible. The people who wrote it didn't know it was bullshit, but anybody with half a brain cell in the 21st century, does.
Have a nice day.
The whole society was racist when Darwin lived. He was no more racist than anyone else. Racism didn't become politically incorrect until after WWII.
You have totally misunderstod his book. It's the very opposite, actually; "The discarding of non-adaptable species in the struggle for life". Nature has no favorites.
I'm reading Origin of Species right now. Not too deep into it, easily distracted and all that, but the first usage of the word 'race' I've noticed was in reference to plants. Fucking plants.
Races of plants. Yeah, so....Darwin spoke in an antiquated (by our standard) way, and you, sir, are a metric tonne of pure, weaponized fuckwit.
“Fuck your atheism.”
Oh, good start. Win friends and influence people!
“Darwin was a racist,”
Oh, well, fuck your ignorance.
Darwin was remarkably progressive for his time.
"evolution is an invention OF racism,”
Except it doesn’t support racism, does it?
Quite the opposite.
“the most racist genocidal wars in history”
Like, WWII? You DO know that Hitler had Darwin’s books burned, right?
And the SS Belt Buckle says ‘God Is With Us’?
"have been waged since that liitle devil-cock sucking racist put pen to paper to justify what he KNEW was bullshit.”
Hmmm. Darinw had science, you have hate. Nothing but hate.
Fuck all the way off.
“Its the title to his book. The 'preservation of favored races in the struggle for life.'”
‘Race,’ there, would be better understood as ‘breed’ by today’s terminology.
You would be better understood as an obnoxious ignoramus talking WAY out of his level of knowledge.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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