(From: "Is abortion justifiable in cases of rape or incest?")
Some pro-choice advocates claim that the pro-lifer lacks compassion, since the pro-lifer's position on rape and incest forces a woman to carry her baby against her will. Nothing could be further from the truth. It is the rapist who has already forced this woman to carry a child, not the pro-lifer.
[It is the rapist who has already forced this woman to carry a child, not the pro-lifer. ]
No. The pro-lifer's are the ones forcing a woman to keep a pregnancy that she dosen't want.
Over 25,000 children die of preventable causes everyday, lets worry about saving them.
Oh, ok, that means that if the rapist is pro-choice she can have a termination?
Your logic is such a crock of shit. It's you pro-birth assholes that would force her to carry the fetus, not CHILD, fetus to term.
If someone is injured in a hit and run, and the hospital refuses to treat them, it's not the hospital forcing the victim to deal with their own broken limbs, its the person who hit them.
[On their refusal to let people receive blood transfusions]
Some pro-transfusion advocates claim that the pro-lifeblooders lack compassion, since the pro-lifeblooder's position on amputation and evisceration forces a person to bleed to death. Nothing could be futher from the truth. It is the eviscerator who has already forced the person to die, not the pro-lifeblooder.
"It is the rapist who has already forced this woman to carry a child, not the pro-lifer."
No, the pro-lifer forces her to keep it.
So by the same logic, if a mugger sticks a knife into you, you should leave it there instead of going to the hospital, because it's the mugger who forced you to have a knife in your belly.
By this logic, nobody should help anyone else ever.
Oh, right... fundies. Compassion and aid are against their belief system.
Ummm...no. The rapist forces the woman to have sex. True, she gets pregnant as a result, but you are the ones forcing her to carry her rapist's baby to term, therefore, making you a sick fuck.
So in their own retarded way, did this person just blame the rapist, NOT the victim?
Quite the logical disconnect to get there, but it's better than the usual shit.
Different at least.
What the fucking hell kind of logic is that?!
Yes, the rapist forced her to have sex, and deserves to die in acid. But--BUT!! The pro-lifers, who are completely incapable of minding their own business, so they are preventing a woman from terminating the pregnancy if they choose to do so. Pro-Life is anything but, since the vast majority I've spoken to seem not to give a fuck about the fetus after it's born and becomes a child.
I have yet to see the rapist who hangs arond to make sure his victims don't abort. Second, you're not just forcing her to carry the fetus to term, you also seem to expect her to raise it afterward. Surely if abortion is out of the question, adoption and abandonment are too?
Okay, let's look at this from your perspective. Let's pretend that a fetus is a real person or sentient or whatever.
That still doesn't justify forcing a raped woman to give birth.
There are people right now dying because they need a new kidney, and there are people right now with two healthy kidneys. Should the people with healthy kidneys be forced to donate a kidney to the people who are dying because they need one? If they refuse to, are they murderers?
If people with two healthy kidneys, nor anyone else, should be forced by law to give up the right of their body and person so someone else can live, then why the hell should women have to?
Blame the victim. Because, you know according to most fundies, all women are lesbian whores, and they drive men to the point of being unable to control their actions. What with their cut-and-styled hair, makeup, immodest clothes, and blasphemous insistence on leaving the house. If all women would dress and conduct themselves like they do in the FLDS, we simply wouldn't have these problems!
/sarcasm off
sophistry - the final refuge of the morally bankrupt!
The woman is STILL left holding the baby, literally. A baby she may detest. And certainly a baby that was unwanted and may have endangered the mother's life!
Fucking hell! What's that - denial for Jesus? It's you fucking lot who won't let her get an abortion after the damn rapist has took away her dignity and autonomy, because we all know you think women are worth less than dirt unless they're being an incubator, regardless of how the parasite got there.
Just a note to those who have said the rapist forces the woman to have sex. That's incorrect. Rape isn't sex. Sex is mutual. Just because he shoves his penis into her doesn't make it sex.
As for this poster. Go fuck yourself in the ass with a rusty cactus. (Yes, I know cacti can't become rusty but if they could it would be an appropriate punishment).
This isn't actually as illogical as it sounds. The rapist did indeed impregnate the woman, not the pro-life lobbyists.
However, the rapist did not then insist that the woman had to raise the child conceived through that rape.
It is the rapist who has already forced this woman to carry a child, not the pro-lifer.
But luckily, with the swift kicking you are giving her when she's down, she wont be carrying that baby to term anyway.
So, if someone tries to murder you and you're bleeding to death, and I force you not to get medical treatment until you die, it's entirely the fault of whoever tried to kill you and not me? Great! I'll remember that if I ever see you bleeding out.
Sure, the pro-lifers have compassion; for the non-sentient lump of cells in the womb!
"Nothing could be further from the truth", indeed...
It's "people" like you who forced my mother to give birth to me. I was an accident, not a rape baby, but my mother hated me just the same for "ruining her life", and made my childhood a living hell before she finally rejected me for good. Thank you very fucking much for the shitload of issues I have as a result, you heartless assclown. Come closer so I can express my appreciation properly... now where did I put that spiked bat...
"I'm not forcing you to carry this child, but I'm not going to allow you to get an abortion. Please don't hold it against me. I'm not the one forcing you to carry the child, it was the rapist's fault, not mine!"
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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