"Joe McCarthy was a hero whose name was smeared by very real Communists who had infiltrated influential areas of American life."
O RLY? And how many actual Soviet moles were uncovered in all of McCarthy's bluff, bluster and bigotry against those who weren't exactly like him & his ilk, BarbT? I'll tell you:
However, poetic justice prevailed. In his desperation to root out supposed 'Reds under the bed', his increasing insanity based on his unjustifiable paranoia got the better of him, and he turned his eye towards the US military. Where said unjustifiable paranoia ultimately blew up in his own face. As a result, his political allies & backing in the GOP dried up. He was regarded as one would if a skidmark was found on a towel, and dropped just as quickly. He became an alcoholic. A nobody. He became the very thing he'd made, nay forced, thousands of innocent Americans into being: a pariah. His FAIL was complete - with not a single Soviet 'agent' to show for his 'efforts'.
...on the other hand, here in the UK, there was the 'Cambridge Five':
Actual Soviet moles: Burgess, Philby, Maclean, Blunt & Cairncross.
They were exposed by MI6 & their operatives with nary a peep out of anyone, nor bothering anyone. The only time it came to the public's attention was when their trials were covered by the press. Even then, there was the evidence collated by MI6 etc, to make such an open & shut case. No unjustifiable 'paranoia' required.
Britain succeeds where the US FAILS. Oh, and today? For the last several years, MI6 have recruited people to investigate - and even infiltrate - Al-Qaeda cells here in the UK and abroad.
British Muslims.
I love the smell of annihilated arguments in the morning. Smells like... victory.
Oh, and as for 'college professors and "elite" writers', inferiority complex much, Teabaggers...?:
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Stupidity. Along with 'hoemskuling', it should be illegal.
Then you wonder why China is set to overtake the US in scientific R&D in the next two years? I'd say that the last thing you should be doing now is insult your existing college professors and elites, who are keeping your country ahead of the rest of the world.
Moral: The ultimate irony? Despite all that McCarthy tried to do, there still exists to this day a Communist Party of America:
And Federal law means that they can't even be touched.