Pardon me, but I think that I'm going to vomit now...(BLAAARRRGGH!) Ah, much better. So, let's get down to mockery, shall we?
...Most fags are unaware that a loving God not by genetic coding programmed them into the queer lifestyle of sin.
(*Damn. First line, and already I'm confused. If God hates them, then why the fuck does he keep making them?*)
Some not born queer live like a homosexual to show they let Satan choose the cursed way of fagdom for them.
(*O RLY? Please, show me an example. I'm dying to meet a straight person who turned gay for the sake of Satan. (Example may not come from mental asylum)*)
Continuing shameful sexual acts on each other, and refusing to worship Jesus as their Lord, fags will be damned with Satan to the eternal lake of fire.
(*Ah, there we go. Good ol' batshit. Tell me, if Satan supposedly loves gay people, then why should he toss them into the lake of fire?*)
Homos also commit filthy sex acts on animals, and the dead bodies of humans...
(*And now we get into the libel. It's called consent, people. That is the difference between a homo(Or hetero-)sexual relationship, and bestiality. And where the fuck did necrophilia come from? Never heard that one before.*)
To brake down a queer's house is a sign of godliness.
(*BLAAARRRGHH. Absolutely sickening. Tell me, where in the Bible does it mention this?*)
Queers are sub-human, unclean, pathologically paranoid, neurotic, and socio-pathic...
(*I'll just provide some wiki links here, shall I?
Sociopathy is apparently a "loosely defined term", but the page leads to:*)
To harm queers economically is acceptable in God's eyes. One way to do this is by not employing them.
(*Again, horribly disgusting. And illegal in some states!*)
Faggots and dykes should be forcibly be conscripted into the armed services of the heathen country in which they live.
(*Sing it with me, boys and girls! IT. IS. FUCKING. ILLEGAL. YOU. FAIL.*)
The soldier, and queer are both destroyers of humanity, so should both be damned as one.
(*Dude, WTF? Insensitive nutcase pacifist troll, apparently.)
In God's eyes there is no difference between the cock-sucking faggot, and a soldier killing another on a battlefield.
(*Massive, massive, massive FAIL. In conclusion, FOADIAF.*)