bobabdcarole #fundie

...Most fags are unaware that a loving God not by genetic coding programmed them into the queer lifestyle of sin.

Some not born queer live like a homosexual to show they let Satan choose the cursed way of fagdom for them.

Continuing shameful sexual acts on each other, and refusing to worship Jesus as their Lord, fags will be damned with Satan to the eternal lake of fire.

Homos also commit filthy sex acts on animals, and the dead bodies of humans...

To brake down a queer's house is a sign of godliness.

Queers are sub-human, unclean, pathologically paranoid, neurotic, and socio-pathic...

To harm queers economically is acceptable in God's eyes. One way to do this is by not employing them.

Faggots and dykes should be forcibly be conscripted into the armed services of the heathen country in which they live.

The soldier, and queer are both destroyers of humanity, so should both be damned as one.

In God's eyes there is no difference between the cock-sucking faggot, and a soldier killing another on a battlefield.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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