Read the first amendment sometime. It says that the government may not favor any religion over any other, nor impose limitations on them. The founding fathers wrote it to stop the state from controlling the church, not the other way around. In other words, neither you nor the government can legally try to push me around with your ANTIreligious agenda. Stop grasping your sword by the blade already and learn how to fight.
Besides, the article I linked to addressed medical matters, a face which you have yet to address. If you're going to try to tease me with straw man arguments, be warned: I do not call myself Dragon Tamer for nothing.
"wrote it to stop the state from controlling the church, not the other way around."
if a church controls the state, isn't that like favoring that church?
"be warned: I do not call myself Dragon Tamer for nothing."
Actually, you do, dragons don't exist.
Unless you mean Komodo dragons, but then you'd be a komodo dragon tamer.
It says that the government may not favor any religion over any other , nor impose limitations on them.
Which means you can't have your theocracy.
be warned: I do not call myself Dragon Tamer for nothing.
Wanna go see DRAGON SLAYER?
Fist amendment works both ways, neither shall the gov't dictate religion, and religion shall not dictate the government.
Oh yeah, you are a fucking moron.
be warned: I do not call myself Dragon Tamer for nothing.
Feel free to tame Pedo Dragon.
Pedo Dragon has no affiliation with Pedobear or the Pedobear Pals.
"In other words, neither you nor the government can legally try to push me around with your ANTIreligious agenda."
Wrong, jackass. Maybe YOU should try reading the first amendment. Start with the first phrase: "Congress shall make no law". Get it? The first amendment is a restriction upon the actions of the government, not private citizens. If you work for me and I want to fire you because I don't like your religion, that's perfectly fine as far as the first amendment is concerned. That's why congress has passed other laws restricting discrimination on the basis of religion.
You know, deviantart isn't completely full of idiots...
just furries and otherkin conservatives who think they're really dragons...
and uh...yeah...
so keeping the state out of the church is bad, but putting the church into the state is good. Thats like saying mixing fish and peanutbutter is bad, but mixing peanutbutter and fish is good.
Honestly, we see through your lies, so just stop it.
@ Fanatic-Templar
I do not call myself Dragon Tamer for nothing.
You like to wrestle with giant firebreathing snakes?
I suspect he wrestles the snake quite often. Remember the fat kid in the Fleer's Double Bubble Gum funnies? They didn't call him "Pud" for nothing, either.
"be warned: I do not call myself Dragon Tamer for nothing."
Because the bible says dragons are real, so you believe it, right?
"It says that the government may not favor any religion over any other, nor impose limitations on them. The founding fathers wrote it to stop the state from controlling the church, not the other way around"
' the fuck you say?
Oh, and Treaty of Tripoli etc etc.
The idea of government not controlling churches would not work if you don't simultaneously forbid churces to control government.
If you think about this for a moment, DragonTamer, I'm sure you'll understand why.
Ooooh, that is so scary.
Or not.
Wrong, the First Amendment was written because your Founding Fathers saw what havoc a church controlling the state could wreck, back in the Old Country, silly.
No, I suspect you call yourself Dragon Tamer to make yourself sound more impressing. Tiny Dick just doesn't produce that much aw, does it?
“If you're going to try to tease me with straw man arguments,"
Interesting, coming from someone who doesn’t appear to understand that SCOTUS decisions amplify the impact of the Constutitoin’s contents.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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