The propensity to alike negro men to gorillas obviously devalues the scientific merit and achievements of Darwin - a fallen man, in my opinion. You might also like to know that Darwin had never undergone a formal education in biology - so long for diploma mills.
Darwin studied natural history at Christ's College at Cambridge. And he said in The Descent of Man that "Negroes" and Europeans were closely related.
- quote from Wikipedia: "He learned taxidermy from John Edmonstone, a freed black slave who told him exciting tales of the South American rainforest. Later, in The Descent of Man, he used this experience as evidence that “Negroes and Europeans” were closely related despite superficial differences in appearance."
So you fail.
I didn't have a formal education in aeronautics but I do know what makes airplanes fly.
And Darwin was no doubt racist by today's standards, but even that does nothing to devalue his conclusions, conclusions which were based on scientific study and not some mouldy old book of bullshit stories.
Wow really
A man who laid out the (accepted) Theory of Evolution before Biology had truly become a science
The product of modern American religion and bullshit PHD's
Makes one long for British education 150 years ago actually. At least when you realize the garbage that creates Hovinds is still going
Why can't Christians stay on Christian websites if they going to yammer about Jesus? I mean, video game websites, literature sites, and now, acne support sites. What's next?
Apparently, Darwin is probably not racist by today's standards. If I recall correctly, if one excludes his vitriolic opposition to slaveholding, only two of his comments are racially charged:
One was about white dominance of the world, which he attributed to luck.
The other was his reaction to seeing members of an isolated tribe for the first time, specifically that he could scarcely recognise them as human, and I believe that to be extremely understandable: I once saw an advertisment for a program on National Geographic that I first thought was about a Science Fiction show with more creative designs for aliens.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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