"Do you really believe Humans evolved from one celled or multi celled organisms, then to amphibians, then to birds, alligators, then monkeys etc?"
I know we did. No 'Belief' required.
That's the beauty of Evidence, it proves things infinitely better than just taking bullshit fairy tales purely on spec, and saying 'Okay, that sounds credible because it requires no thinking, certainly of the critical sort.
'Theories': They have a rather nasty habit of becoming facts. After all...:
...just ask the Church of England; they openly admit that the Bible is mostly fable & metaphor. Question(s): if [/Spartan Laconic Wit] the Bible is supposed to be the literal 'Word of God', to be fully obeyed literally, word-for-word, letter-for letter, why did the defence in Kitzmiller vs. Dover have to cloak their 'literal' Bible under the facade of (un)'Intelligend Design' (worse-than) pseudoscience? Surely the 'Truth' of Genesis' literal 'facts' should shine through, destroying any possible critical thinking/cynicism-based questioning? And above all, if the Bible is 'fact' as you Cre(a)ti(o)nists say it is, why is Darwin buried in the C-of-E's Westminster Abbey? Someone who, post-discoveries, was an agnostic to his death, yet in his early years was in training to join the Church of England's clergy, no less.
'YEC'? 'Cre(a)ti(o)nism'? (un)'Intelligent Design'? The Professors of Theology in the C-of-E (and thus they know infinitely more about your beliefs than you do) disagree, don't bother them about it.