"okay here's something cool"
You mean, "here's something entirely made up with no supporting evidence and I believe it only because I'm ignorant of how reality works" don't you?
"I belive [...]"
Well there's your problem right there.
"that there used to be a canopy of water above the atmosphear [..]"
For numerous reasons--that I wont go into because you wouldn't understand them--the physical constraints of this particular universe prohibit such a thing. In other words, it's complete nonsense.
"and it would enable people to grow to up to 13" tall"
Thirteen inches tall you say? Incredible.
"and live to be 900 years old."
And your evidence is what? A bunch of bronze age mythology. Well, that's not going to cut it. I want physical evidence.
"I was aware of that yes it's in psalms and it's probably talking about heaven, did you know that there might be water outside this universe or space [...]"
At the moment, the phrase "outside this universe" is entirely irrelevant and meaningless if you don't happen to be a theoretical physicist or, possibly, a mathematician.
"the bible says that the lord sits on many waters."
It says a lot of asinine things. I suspect that's what you get when you live in the desert and don't get enough shade. Eating the wild mushrooms before writing a holy text probably helps too.