sakhan #fundie
we need a God because the mathematical harmony of the universe suggests that there is a high probability that a divine being exists. Why do the physical laws behave in perfect symmetry and mathematical harmony? How could Einstein explain events millions of light years away by writing down equations sitting in his room? Do you know that the universe would not exist if the charge on an electron was different by 1 billionth of coloumb? Do you know that the probability of the universe taking its current shape, which follows symmetry and a mathematical 'symphony' is 10^(-50)?
Is this definite proof that God exists? No. But anyone with common sense would realize that chances are that material reality is subset of a larger divine existence.
Not believing in God is like breaking a triangle of cue balls on a pool table, watching them bounce of the rails and come back to form the exact same triangle and say: thats nothing special...