(on a piece that depicts a terrorist's grave, called "Negotiating with Terrorists")
My title: How to talk to terrorists, evolutionists, and liberals.
That terrorist should be buried in a city dumb.
[So people who believe in evolution should be in the grave you say? X:]
I'd say people who teach evolution should be offered the means to convert and if they don't we fire them and cast them out like so much garbage.
Hey, this reminds me of a funny story from when I was in Salem this one time.
Ok, there's these two witches...
And the hell with those pussies who talked to our enemies. I'm looking at you Carter, Nixon, Reagen, Bush Sr, and Clinton.
I'd say people who teach evolution should be offered the means to convert and if they don't we fire them and cast them out like so much garbage.
As I live in Europe, can we trade your people who teach evolution for the fundie wingnuts that are starting to appear over here? We'll take the intelligent educators, you can have the late bronze-age superstition merchants back again.
As an aside;
I'd like to see a cite of a Texas Oil Company that locates new oil reserves using Flood Geology Theory.
@ozzie: "I can't believe he forgot to add atheists to his list."
To them, "evolutionist" means everything that isn't "terrorist" or "liberal," although sometimes, it includes them as well.
A YEC, a Flat-Earther, and an IDer walked into a bar...
After more than a few drinks, the YEC loudly proclaims, "Goddidit!"
The Flath-Earther angrily protested, " No, you're wrong! Goddidit!"
The IDer screamed, "You demented fags don't know anything. Goddidit!"
So the polar bear, tending the bar, bit their heads off.
And how does one negotiate with fundies like you? One doesn't, as you walk around with metaphorical fingers in your ears, you eyes clamped shut, totally denying facts even if they sat on your face.
Comedian Emo Philips tells this story: In conversation with a person I had recently met, I asked, "Are you Protestant or Catholic?" My new acquaintance replied, "Protestant." I said, "Me too! What franchise?" He answered, "Baptist." "Me too!" I said. "Northern Baptist or Southern Baptist?" "Northern Baptist," he replied. "Me too!" I shouted. We continued to go back and forth. Finally I asked, "Northern conservative fundamentalist Baptist, Great Lakes Region, Council of 1879 or Northern conservative fundamentalist Baptist, Great Lakes Region, Council of 1912?" He replied, "Northern conservative fundamentalist Baptist, Great Lakes Region, Council of 1912." I said, "Die, heretic!"
"I'd say people who teach evolution should be offered the means to convert and if they don't we fire them and cast them out like so much garbage."
And if the teacher in question is already Christian?
Oh wait, I forgot -- anyone who doesn't insist on a literal interpretation of Genesis Chapter 1 isn't a True Christian.
How to talk to fundies, christians and conservatives.
*puts gun to conservatives head* This is America. If you don't like the way we do things here move to Saudi Arabia.
Wow! Finally I get the chance to become a martyr for my faith! *rolleyes* Since I'm freezing cold all the time burning at the stake might be a welcome change, just please dunk me in warm water for the witch test!
And let my husband put me in the Iron Maiden! Pretty, pretty please! He might enjoy that! *sigh*
Methodology of SCIENCE:
01: Start
02: Get an idea
03: Perform experiment
04: Does evidence support idea? If NO then goto 02 else goto 05
05: Theory created
06: Use theory to better understand
07: Discover new evidence
08: Can theory be modified to explain new evidence? If NO then goto 02 else goto 09
09: Improve theory and goto 06
Methodology of RELIGION:
01: Start
02: Get an idea
03: Ignore all contradicting evdence
04: Keep idea unmodified forever
05: End
I have cancelled my 5-year account with DeviantArt as more and more talentless morons, like this one, seem to have taken it over.
My title: How to talk to terrorists, evolutionists, and liberals.
Last time I checked no one was blowing themselves up in the name of Darwin or evolution.
That terrorist should be buried in a city dumb.
Re-read things before you post them.
I'd say people who teach evolution should be offered the means to convert and if they don't we fire them and cast them out like so much garbage.
I say we do that to ignorant assholes like you.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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