Darwin introduced theory of evolution. Evolution is not the important factor in the theory of evolution. It is the theory that is important. AS long as the truth is theoretical, it can be changed whenever it meets an obstacle. Evolution is only important for its idea that there is no god. Therefore, it is the theory of no god. And that is atheistic/atheism. Not factual, just theoretical. Which is now the education of teaching a truth that only exists in theory.
All I heard was one gigantic fart while I read that shitwind.
Blah = god
blah blah= darwin
darwin=the devil
therefore you go to hell, cuz jesus loves me best! hee-hee-hee!
Talking out of your ass doesn't make you an authority on evolution, it's just annoying.
Y'know, other people have this weird way of arguing where they take ACTUAL facts backed by REAL PEOPLE, post them in an INTELLIGENT way, and then they stick to the rules about what those words actually mean instead of inventing new definitions. You should try it sometime, then you wouldn't look like such a fascist butt-puckerer. Of course, I for one find your insane ramblings quite amusing, and I would be slightly saddened if you didn't continue. Here's to reading more of your unfathomable, free-associating, meandering diarrhea.
1. Darwin did not come up with the theory of evolution. Evolution as a concept was developed before his birth. He came up with the theory of natural selection.
2. I must beg to differ here: Evolution is really rather important to the theory of evolution.
3. Yes, yes, this old fundamental (no pun intended) mistake. As Nekhbet notes above, the theory of gravity is equally theoretical. I'll burst if I hear that "evolution is *only* a theory" rubbish again.
4. Our understanding of the truth can indeed change where it meets an obstacle like, for example, evidence that contradicts it. Seems like a sound approach to me.
5. Various advocates of evolution have argued that there is no god. Various advocates have not. I know more theists than I can count who substantially accept the principles of evolution.
Mr.C., you are assuming that your religion is "factual." This may make you feel better, but it is not a logically defensible position.
One of the reasons religions succeed is the desire for certainty. Religions claim to offer "the truth" while the contentions of science change according to the best evidence.
Darwin introduced theory of evolution.
And yet you claim that it's the theory of...something else? How can evolution not be an important factor in the theory of evolution ?? Dumbass.
Someone must have skipped the lesson on what it means to be a "scientific theory". Hell, I'd bet he skipped science as a whole (the name of the site seems to confirm).
<<< AS long as the truth is theoretical, it can be changed whenever it meets an obstacle. >>>
Well, yeah, that's kind of the point. Except that scientists aren't real big on declaring something to be "Truth", because *everything* is subject to change if evidence demands it. But yeah, the whole point of science is letting our views approach reality instead of demanding that reality approach our views.
@Mr. Coulter
Darwin introduced theory of evolution.
No, he didn't. All he really did was offer a very good explanation of how it occurred. The ToE has been around a long time.
Evolution is only important for its idea that there is no god. Therefore, it is the theory of no god. And that is atheistic/atheism. Not factual, just theoretical. Which is now the education of teaching a truth that only exists in theory.
You fail. Evolution does not deny any form of higher/supreme being(s). It merely offers more than a basless assertion that flies in the face of all evidence. In fact, it was researched before gaining any real credibility in front of the scientific community. Creationism, on the other hand, is believed to have its origins deeply rooted in a hunter/gatherer over in the Middle East a few millenia back.
Oh, and scientist don't use the laypersons' definition of theory. Now please, STFU.
Jesus introduced the faith of Christianity. Christ is not the important factor in Christianity. It is the faith that is important. AS long as the faith is translated from a foreign text, it can be changed whenever it meets an obstacle. Christianity is only important for its idea that there is a god. Therefore, it is the faith of god. And that is theistic/Christianity. Not fact, just faith. Which is now the education of teaching a truth that only exists in faith.
So evolution isn't the important factor in the theory of evolution? Oh, i never knew theories aren't about what they are about. And Evolution doesn't prove that there is no God at all, it just proves the Bible wrong. And there's a hell of a lot more evidence for evolution than there is for God, so would you have people in churches stop preaching their 'theory'?
TDR - something more for your fundie word redefinition project...
Scientific theory: (no longer, an undeniable, observed, repeatable explanation tying in how and why a phenomenon occurs, borne out of impirical testing and the research, collation and anaylsis of data) Something that debunks my 'facts' therefore I must conclude it is wild assed supposition because I have a gene switched on that makes reality taste bitter.
fact: (fundie) A wild assed supposition I really want to believe.
Here's the real point.
You have never had any reason to believe in a God, none. There has never been, to this day evidence of supernatural forces. So when anyone, mechanics, shoemakers or biologists go deeper and deeper into their fields they find what does exist in this reality is enough to learn.
When your brakes are gone get someone that knows how to fix them, prayer won't fix them. Your understanding of Evolution is broken, prayer won't fix that.
Scientific theory = Layman's fact
Layman's theory = scientific hypothesis
Then gravity is not the important factor in the theory of gravity either, I guess.
All of science works like that, stupid; when new knowledge conflict with old theories, the theories are updated to incorporate the new knowledge.
Evolution is about biological diversity, stupid, it says nothing about the existence or nonexistence of any gods.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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