David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesusisprecious.org
Freemasons Were Behind Removal of Bible from Schools
Four out of the six Justices who voted against this prayer and, therefore, voted God out of the Public School System were Freemasons! These Masonic Justices were:
Earl Warren - Sequoia Lodge #349, Oakland, CA.
Hugo L. Black - Raised in Ashland Lodge #356, Ashland, AL who later became a life member
of Birmingham Temple Lodge #636, Birmingham, AL.
Thomas C. Clark - Washington Lodge, #117, Dallas, TX.
William O. Douglas - Mt. Adams Lodge #227, Yakima, WA.
Because of the Supreme Court's decision in 1962 and 1963, prayer in assemblies was banned in all American public schools, eventually leading the way to banning the Holy Bible, as well. So, to reiterate, what did the Masons accomplish in 1962? They kicked God out of America's public schools. I want you to really think hard and long about this reality and then re-read the Bible verses at the beginning of this expose'.