“And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech” Leviticus 18:21. Molech was the god of the Ammonites and Phoenicians. They sacrificed their children to this god and some Israelites sacrificed their infants to this very same god in the valley of Hinnom. America celebrated the murder of 54 million babies sacrificed to this very same god of sex.
If they ever come up with a method for determining embryo's future sexual orientation,I'll bet aborting gays would suddenly, nay, miraculously be absotively A-OK.
I never heard Moloch was a god of sex, nor even that this was a name borne by one identifiable deity. As for sacrificing children, first these must be born, which I suspect is why you complain when they aren't.
America celebrated the murder of 54 million babies sacrificed to this very same god of sex.
Damn! I missed the festival somehow! I'm like the worst liberal atheist ever! In my defense the liberal media really dropped the ball on reporting this event and I never got my liberal agenda memorandum.
Because sex is actual, reality-based, orgasmic ecstasy and human togetherness which is far more powerful than fatuous dreams of rapture and ectoplasmic mansions.
I say that, even though I know that religions have been subverted, way back in the mists of time, to just being used as another handy method of controlling herds of women, to use for spreading the wannabe alpha males' genes. It's just that it's mutated to the level of dribbling lunacy.
I didn't know anyone celebrated any abortion anywhere.
Well, except maybe for a few men who were sweating beforehand.
Abortion rates in Western Europe are 1/3 to 1/2 what they are in the USA, thanks to better sex ed and more consistent contraceptive use (see the relevant Wikipedia articles for sources).
So Mr. Graham should support comprehensive sex ed and universal free contraception whole-heartedly, if he's really concerned primarily with preventing abortions.
If he doesn't, then he is at least being inconsistent and probably being dishonest.
Wait a minute. Didn't Jesus himself act as a human sacrifice who spent three days in a fiery place before ascending into heaven? Can't it be argued, then, that the entire crucifixion myth is in violation of this section of Leviticus?
I celebrate Abortion Day every year. It's the last Friday in April.
Oh, wait a minute...no, it isn't. That's Arbor Day , shit. Silly me.
Oh well, party on anyway.
"America celebrated the murder of 54 million babies sacrificed to this very same god of sex."
And that would be since the 60's... ~50 years to get that figure. You do realise that natural abortions number around that figure every god-damned year?!? That's 54 million abortions a year that God is carrying out.
And you are perfectly ok with that...
Archeologists dispute the stories of child sacrifice in the Old Testament. There is little archeological evidence to back them up and it is generally thought the stories were made up to demonize Israel's enemies.
Comparing these stories to modern day abortion is disingenuous, but then lying-for-Jesus is a anti-choice advocate's most popular tool.
America celebrated the murder of 54 million babies sacrificed to this very same god of sex.
Yes, and the sacrifices seem to be working: unemployment is going down.
Thank you Molech.
Because the Christian god never asked anyone to sacrifice their children, wait...
"Take your son, your only son yes, Isaac, whom you love so much and go to the land of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains, which I will point out to you." (Genesis 22:1-18)
"Consecrate to me every first-born that opens the womb among Israelites, both man and beast, for it belongs to me." (Exodus 13:2 )
Yeah, I'm sure the authors of the Bible were completely honest about the religious practices of the people they ended up slaughtering. They obviously had nothing to gain politically through blood lible, right?
so the Flood, earthquakes, sodom and gomorrah fire storms, Moses/Joshua genocides, and that virgin sacrifice thing... totally different right?
and when the hell was this 54 mill. celebration taking place, cause I missed it and I woulda brought dip
"America celebrated the murder of 54 million babies sacrificed to this very same god of sex."
And now, Bible God has deserted America and left it to fester under the influence of the Molechites. Thank goodness for Lord Athe, for He, with the help of His weary followers, are the only ones who will stand up to Molech and the other Gods.
The One, The True, The Mighty Lord Athe (no flight required), battling horrible Gods for eternity.
Another male screaming blue murder about a situation he'll never have to be in. Support one - just one - of those "pwecious wittle baybeez" with your own time and money, and maybe I'll believe you. Until then, it's just another load of woman-controlling shit... and this world has far too much of that already.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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