*Chuck Norris commenting on those who steal baby Jesus' from Nativity scenes. Yes, it is that Chuck Norris.*
Back here in the state of Texas, when the Jesus statuette was heisted from the nativity of the Herrera family of North Richland Hills, Gloria Herrera, 48, a Catholic, passionately conveyed what we are all wondering, "They took the family Jesus. How can anybody do that?" What type of world do we live in when hoodlums (young and old) commit sacrilege for entertainment?
These religious heists beg the question: Is stealing baby Jesus figurines harmless juvenile fun or intentional hate crimes? Whatever the answer to each, there's absolutely nothing funny about vandalism. Skeptics might mock these defacements as negligible crimes, but stealing the soul of nativities is one more dismal sign of a culture gone awry. Religious Grinches who steal these symbolic Christs are pathetic piles of yuletide trash.
International hate crimes, meet your newest debasement, mindless consumerism.
That's the part about this quote that makes me the maddest. It isn't a hate crime, its just theft. Get over your persecution complexes. Your kind ignore real international hate crimes, like what your precious Israel is doing to the Palestinians right now, or what Iran does to the Ba'hais, or the slaughter in the Congo. All this is much more important than your stupid Jesus statue getting stolen when you can just waltz down to the local Wal-mart in your gas-guzzling SUV and buy a new one. Report the theft to the police and GET THE FUCK OVER IT!
Chuck, I think you have had one too many round house kicks to your head.
P.S. Yuletide is pagan, and pagans don't give a hoot about your baby Jesus idols.
Much as I dislike it, I'll have to not only proclaim this entry non-fundie, but actually agree with the source of what's arguably the sorriest meme on the Internet.
Unlike Carlos here, it doesn't matter to me that a Nativity scene is inherently Christian. Still, theft and/or vandalism is hardly an honorable way to show one's dislike of Christianity. Placing a Nativity scene on government land is one thing, but this happened on private property. "Bah Humbug!" to the thief, whomever s/he is.
That having been said, #879776 is also correct. A hate crime necessarily entails violence and/or the clear and present threat of violence. This was theft, nothing more.
On the night before Christmas eve, I was driving around with a few friends and we were just dicking around. My one friend noticed a car with its trunk slightly open, so we stopped the car and said friend went over to the other car and looked in the trunk. He found a can of beer and took it, then we drove off. A few minutes later, we stopped and he got out of the car and walked up to the huge nativity scene in front of the town church. He tried to put the beer in the hands of one of the wise men statues, but it wouldn't fit so instead he just placed it in the manger with Jesus. As we were waiting, a guy in a car pulled up to the intersection, so we got the fuck out of there. This asshole was following us, so my boyfriend turned off the lights of his car and took a few turns until we lost the douchebag. Hate crime? I think not. Vandalism? Hardly. Hilarious and entertaining? Yes. The best part is that the next morning, the beer was gone.
a couple months ago, i got a chuck norris folder from a family member who thought i was hilarious.
i promptly threw it away.
I wouldn't call it hate crime, just some douches that find it hilarious to steal the main character in the scene. Probably easier too to carry away baby Jesus than, say, Joseph.
"What type of world do we live in when hoodlums (young and old) commit sacrilege for entertainment?"
A better question would be what kind of world do we live in when one country can kidnap people from another country and imprison them without charges trial or access to a lawyer. Put your theft of a cheap piece of plastic in that context dumbass.
It was me what stole the Jesus. I just done it for a larf. I was a bit drunk, you know? I know that Gloria, she lives down my road, she is a nice lady. Didn't mean nothing by it. Sorry.
Good thing they didn't steal any cheesy patio lanterns, or Kim Mitchell might have chimed in.
These religious heists beg the question
You'd think that Chuck Norris could have afforded an education along the way.
but stealing the soul of nativities
Plastic jesuses are SOULS now?
Have they ever considered, I wonder, that it could have been stolen by a Fundie,based on what the Bible says ?
Exodus 20:4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth
Underneath my beard, is another fist.
Step a bit closer, my beard wants to fight your beard.
I'm almost afraid to comment, in that if I do, Chucky will walk through my door and punch me in the face with his beard fist. Hey, he did it on Family Guy, and TV doesn't lie, right? Yuletide is pagan, Chuck. All muscles, no brains.
I need to find the posts of those people that were ranting and raving about how the atheist sign should have been stolen, defaced or destroyed. I mean if stealing the piece of a nativity scene is a hate crime, surely that stuff constitutes such as well.
What a huge stretch to call this fundie. Chuck is basically saying vandalism is bad. I agree with him, so does that make me fundie too? Just because he's talking about nativity scenes doesn't magically make his comment fundie.
I love fstdt, and I sure don't want to see it degrade to posting every comment that mentions religion, no matter how benign the comment is. Let's raise the bar a bit above ground level, shall we?
"Skeptics might mock these defacements as negligible crimes, but stealing the soul of nativities is one more dismal sign of a culture gone awry."
Stick a Darwin fish on the back of your car, Chuck, or put a "Happy Winterval" sign on your lawn. Better yet, put up a sign quoting Buddha (I recommend "No one saves us but ourselves.") or the Koran. See how much respect other Christians will afford those "other beliefs".
Do unto others, Chuck, Christians are getting no worse treatment than many regularly meet out to everyone else.
(P.S. Agree with JewBoy, not particularly fundie, but more than a bit whiney.)
I agree with the other posters, this isn't particularly fundy, and vandalism and / or theft is just ugly, even if in this case it seems more 'petty' than a 'sign of culture gone wrong'. 25 years ago I was fresh out of high school and would have stolen a pink flamingo off a front yard to display in my dorm room, just like everyone else (except for the more daring ones who stole sets of patio lanterns) Wrong? Yes..
Notice I said "would have". I knew people who stole more than one, so..
I'm voting on a bunch of teenagers. Sounds like something I may have done in my punk stage.
Religious Grinches? So your saying the people who stole Jesus are religious? How do you know this? Are you privy to information that the police should have?
BTW what the hell is the obsession with Chuck Norris lately? I thought he was down and gone in the early 80's.
"Is stealing baby Jesus figurines harmless juvenile fun or intentional hate crimes?"
Neither, it's petty theft.
These religious heists beg the question: Is stealing baby Jesus figurines harmless juvenile fun or intentional hate crimes? Whatever the answer to each, there's absolutely nothing funny about vandalism
Though I wouldn't go so far as to call it a "hate crime", I actually agree with this portion of it. The second half of this paragraph is also a bit harsh, but not so bad, really.
It's not that I think vandalism is funny. It's that here, an opinion I'd ordinarily agree with is being expressed in the most whiny, "pity-me", "this actually quite minor thing is the downfall of civilization" way possible. People steal stuff. It doesn't mean they hate your religion. It means they're dicks, but it doesn't mean you're being persecuted.
How do you post pictures again? I have a strange hobby. I take photos of a statue in my home town. It has two partially closed hands, and teenagers usually put beer, soda cans and other bottles in them... Will post it on deviantart one day.
Actually, I'm inclined to agree with Mr. Norris on this one. If someone wants to put up a nativity scene, it's still their personal property, and to steal part or all of it is still criminal, no matter if it's carried out as a prank or not. I don't see anything "fundie" about this statement. If we can condone this behavior, how could we complain if someone, "as a prank", elects to vandalize or steal from someone else's home, for whaterver reason?
It's fundie because he says it's a hate crime. I bet he doesn't think shooting an abortion doctor is a hate crime, or beating up gays. He is a rabid fundie, and a loser, and a shitty actor, and a crappy "martial artist". It's like Rapture Ready. If it comes from one of them, it's pretty much always fundie.
"These religious heists beg the question: Is stealing baby Jesus figurines harmless juvenile fun or intentional hate crimes?"
Exodus 20:3-6 (KJV): Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness [of any thing] that [is] in heaven above, or that [is] in the earth beneath, or that [is] in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God [am] a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth [generation] of them that hate me'
Behold: a roundhouse kick in Chuck Norris's theological bollocks; just as Bruce Lee kicks his arse in "Way of the Dragon":
If anything, those 'vandals' were doing your 'beliefs' a favour: 'graven images' are forbidden, according to the Bible (and a likeness of Jesus qualifies as a likeness of something that is in heaven after all; ever wondered why, in Islam, graphic representations of Allah & Mohammed are forbidden? They're simply obeying the Abrahamic God - who is Allah after all - as prescribed in Scripture, which the Quran borrows from). And if I, a mere run-of-the-mill Joe schmoe Atheist can destroy your argument, Chuck, then frankly Richard Dawkins could destroy your beliefs entirely.
PROTIP: Bruce Lee was an Atheist too.
Really, Chuck? I noticed that you were awfully quiet aobut the vandalism done to the atheist display.
(it's late, fixed a pelling error)
Chuck Norris is butthurt!
That's not what "begging the question" means, Chuck. Stick to roundhouse kicks.
Everybody sing!
I don't care if it
Rains or freezes
As long as I've got my
Plastic Jesus
Ridin' on the dashboard
Of my car
He comes in colors
pink and pleasant
glows in the dark cause
he's phosphorescent.
Take him with you
When you travel far.
Through my trials
And tribulations
And my travels
Through the nation
With my plastic Jesus
I'll go far
Ok, first of all:
"You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me"
Second of all: people have no business stealing or breaking other people's property, so fair enough to say it's wrong. It's just not inherently more wrong because said property happened to be a Baby Jesus figurine.
Not really fundie. He has a point. Vandalism is wrong, and although I think the nativity story itself is bullshit, the tradition and Christmas spirit are a good thing, long as we make it clear that it's just a story and not historical fact.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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