Everything is electrical. It is mass being sucked into an imploding hole at the centre of that mass. In gravity it is the planet or the Star that sits in that hole. In atoms it it the atomic particles that ricochet around that imploding hole and it is the constant need for that hole to be filled and satisfied that creates all chemical behavior. In electromagnetism it is the hole that causes the energy to convert into photons and be kicked out of the atom at the speed of light....but again, this is my reasoning that says that the Holy Bible is built upon a science...the science of everything, and as long as it stretches forward out of modern science's renderings that's all it needs to do.
If that's your reasoning, well...
Nah, the thing about imploding hole is just too easy.
It would be like bullying mentally handicapped.
I almost lauged out loud after reading anevilmeme's response. Which would have been bad as I'm at work, and transports, warehouse trucks, invoices and containers seldom make people laugh...
As an electrical engineer, I can back up anothga's statement of that's not how electricity works. Further, that's not how black holes work. That's not how the atomic structure works. That's not how photons work...
Perhaps, Nicolas, you need to get your nose out of the Bible for once and into a real science text book.
"this is my reasoning that says that the Holy Bible is built upon a science"
You seem to have some trouble with the definition of "science". And "reasoning". And quite a few other things, as well.
"...but again, this is my reasoning...."
And therein lies the problem, your reasoning does not line up with reality.
"Everything is electrical"
"but again, this is my reasoning that says that the Holy Bible is built upon a science...the science of everything, and as long as it stretches forward out of modern science's renderings that's all it needs to do."
'Information can never be destroyed'
Prof. Stephen Hawking
If you're someone who subscribes to the 'Electric Universe ' way of thinking, I'm afraid that the above hypothesis - via that edition of the BBC science documentary series "Horizon" - makes anything you claim weaksauce, compared to what this puts forward, o Nicole Arse. It even renders the concept of an 'omnipotent ' God, least of all the existence of such, worse than null & void. [/"LOST"] [/Your Head A Splode]
"Everything is electrical."
"It is mass being sucked"
"it is the constant need for that hole to be filled and satisfied"
"it is the hole that causes the energy to convert"
"kicked out of the atom at the speed of light"
This is the kinkiest thing I have read all week.
"but again, this is my reasoning that says that the Holy Bible is built upon a science...the science of everything, and as long as it stretches forward out of modern science's renderings that's all it needs to do.
Your reasoning is based on failing.
Sing-along time!
There's a hole in the bottom of the sea,
There's a hole in the bottom of the sea,
There's a hole, there's a hole,
There's a hole in the bottom of the sea!
There's a hole in the head of Nick-las Marks....
it is the constant need for that hole to be filled and satisfied
Somebody is verrrry frustrated. Perhaps in a gay way.
@anevilmeme, I wish to subscribe to your magazine.
It is always pleasing when fellow enthusiasts of Biblical science show their appreciation. I'd like show my support for such enthusiastic appreciation by offering a sublime example.
Ohm's Law: The ratio of the potential difference between the ends of a conductor to the current flowing through it is constant; the constant of proportionality is called the resistance, and is different for different materials.
This can be found in Galatians:-
6:11 Ye see how large a letter I have written unto you with mine own hand.
6:12 As many as desire to make a fair shew in the flesh, they constrain you to be circumcised; only lest they should suffer persecution for the cross of Christ.
6:13 For neither they themselves who are circumcised keep the law; but desire to have you circumcised, that they may glory in your flesh.
Marvellous anticipation of future scientific advances, and proof positive.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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