[after a long-winded, mostly-inaccurate description of Pokemon]
Nintendo has capitalized on the vulnerability of the novice. The clerks at Barnes and Noble Bookseller's promote Pokemon as an entry level game designed to prepare the uninitiated for the game called "Magic: the Gathering." "Magic: the Gathering" trains the apprentice for "Dungeons & Dragons" and Advanced Dungeons & Dragons." Like "Harry Potter" of the modern best seller fiction novels, the Masters of "Advanced Dungeons & Dragons" are ready to be empowered for white witchcraft. The popularity of such spiritual games has laid the groundwork for many who have fallen into the coven of Wicca.... (cf. Deuteronomy 18:9-14)
People who play D&D are witches?
And here I thought the stereotype was technogeeks living in their mothers basements.
Guess I need to either pick up some spells, or sell my books eh?
The only thing that Pokemon has in common with Magic cards is that the Pokemon happens to have Pokemon cards (that were originally made by the same company). And, though it is true that there is a good bit of commonality between Magic the Gathering and Dungeons and Dragons, I must say that 1. "Advanced Dungeons and Dragons" is the name of old (2nd) edition of the game, not the next level up in some hierarchy. 2. These are not spiritual games, these are games that involve varying levels of intellect, creativity, and imagination. It has nothing to do with "spirituality", whatever that could be considered to be. 3. Dungeons and Dragons has nothing to do with Wicca. The only common thread between the two is that they are related to some form of (with a notably different outlook on)"magic". Even then, Wicca is not the evil that you make it out to be.
Nice paranoia, though.
Heh... have any of you dice-rollers seen the movie "Mazes and Monsters," starring Tom Hanks? It's an old made-for-TV movie about how role-playing games will make you crazy.
I'm sure Demonbuster would love it, despite how ridiculously uninformed it is.
"Advanced Dungeons & Dragons"?! Have I been transported back to the 1980s?!
I really can't be bothered to give this the mocking it deserves, so I'll have to go with "I don't want to be Elfstar any more! I want to be Debbie!"
Well, Pokemon does make a good starting point for TCGs, and a Pokemon player may well switch to Magic as he gets older. But, beyond that, this is bullshit.
D&D and Magic are both great games, though.
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons could be renamed Unnecessarily Overcomplicated Dungeons and Dragons.
'Course, I'm judging Second Ed. with Third Ed.
After all the time I'd spent understanding those damned rules, I was really pissed that they expected me to convert to Third Edition. But it took me only a few games to see how much better the system was. That's why I'm looking forward to Fourth Edition. If the progress is similar, it should make for an amazing game.
OMG...that website is just...bizarre.
He/She starts off by saying that a new "demon" has been revealed to him/her: A spiral. He/She talks about how the demon of the spiral is everywhere, even on Fruitopia bottles. He/She then explains that Pokemon is evil because one of the Pokemon has a spiral on it...what the fuck?
Honestly. How can they honestly believe that shit? "I'm seeing spirals everywhere...it must be a demon!" WTF?
oh, man. I can't believe they're so behind as to think AD&D is...
I mean...
just... Wow.
Although granted it does take a little more thought to run with the old THAC0 and NWPs than d20
Wonder what they'll do in ten years when they learn of hackmaster... what with the divine intervention rules, stats for gawds and all.
Paladins, witch slayers, clerics, inquisitors,evangelists, and exorcists (to name a few) make it simple enough to adapt the game to a more fundie friendly game. You can even change the "Book of Exalted Deeds" into the "Holy Bible" in your campaign and declare your char a follower of christ.
AD&D was shit but it's been replaced now so quit your belly aching.
Harry Potter: magic doesn't work that way.
Magic the gathering: I don't play the game but my impression is that it is overly complicated but thats about as sinister as it gets.
Pokemon: Let me guess, the whole evolution thing right?
..... wait haven't we already established this site as a poe?
So apparently they're afraid of small blue tadpoles with spirals on them?
Also...this person missed the boat. <i>White</i> magic means good magic. Healing magic.
You know. Like Jesus would have used.
I've seen this site before. I get the feeling that it might be parody, because it's way over the top and someone who wrote into the site said that he castrated himself. However, uber-fundie Pentecostals (I'm assuming the people behind this site are Pentecostals, if it is real) pretty much parody themselves.
All this is known, but few realize that D&D only exists to prepare you for Warhammer and the legions of Chaos.
I wrote a WW 2 game based on the D&D ruleset.
It doesn't have any magic in it though. It does feature a large number of ways to get killed, but the lack of witchcraft should make it socially acceptable, yes?
And you all must admit that the timeline of the comspiracy is ingenious. By using a time machine and creating products that prepare vulnerable children to be exploited by games that were written decades earlier is brillant. Throws rational people way off track.
So all is going according to plan. Except one thing. Although I have seen all the Harry Potter movies, played D&D, and Magic the Gathering - I still can't cast a single spell. Was my skipping over Pokemon a mistake? I'm not sure my mind can handle Pokemon. It's so.. cutesy..
Playing Magic and devoting a lot of time is just the same as somebody who plays poker and devotes a lot of time to it. Only the cards are much, much more expensive.
Nothing evil or Satanic. Just a game of math, statistics, and strategy.
Then again, you're a fucking lunatic.
this thing about the games that lead to white witch craft is the truth,we must remember that GOD has does and dont's for all that have surenderd there lives to HIM,after we do this we must turn from our old ways,this means that what we used to do when we where still in the world must sease STOP if we are to make it to heaven.if we do stop then enemy will actually bring besides HIM self seven more demons worse then him back and we will be worse off then we where before we changed and gave our lives to CHRIST.so we must ture from what we used to do when we where in the world to inherit what GOD has instore for each and every one of use if we are obiedient.GOD BLESS ALL who believe this.
Next, we'll be hearing that Tetris is evil because it's a gateway game...
The SINISTER clerks at Barnes and Noble!
I love how this is explained as if Pokemon, Magic the Gathering, and Dungeons and Dragons are affiliated levels of....occultistness or something >_>
Y'know, I don't get it. Why do these guys bash Pokemon for supposedly being Satanic, when Shin Megami Tensei is like over 9000 times worse?
I.... I guess most (if not all) fundies are closet SMTfags? Eh. Love the obscure, hate the popular, it seems.
LOL! Advanced Dungeons and Dragons hasn't been played by most RPGers since they 80's... Are you from the past? 4th edition baby!
(Oh, of course, you get all your information from a book written in the Bronze age... What did I expect?)
"The popularity of such spiritual games has laid the groundwork for many who have fallen into the coven of Wicca.... (cf. Deuteronomy 18:9-14)"
In 1998-99, the anime series "CardCaptor Sakura" knocked "Pokemon" off the top of the TV ratings in Japan. It never recovered it's former glory since.
So Pikachu could beat MewTwo, but was ultimately destroyed by a magical girl. Even to this day, CLAMP's manga of "CCS" is in reprint.
2 Tomoyo Daidouji 1:9¾: 'Zettai Daijobu' ('Everything will be alright', Sakura's invincible spell).
How is this inaccurate? Let us count the ways:
1) Pokemon is made by Nintendo. Magic: the Gathering is made by Wizards of the Coast. Why would either company want to promote the product of the other?
2) Last time I checked, the workers are Barnes & Noble aren't involved in some cult. They're just people with a job.
3) Magic: the Gathering is a trading card game. DnD is an RPG. It's like comparing apples to jumbo jets.
4) ADnD hasn't been in wide play since THE EARLY 80s.
I could go on an on, but if I point out everything wrong I might just overload the server.
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