I'm Republican although I'm only 17. I stand for freedom no matter what it takes (blowing Afghanistan to bits, etc.). I want America to be #1 and protect me.
Me, me, mine, mine, I want, I want.. You're republican, alright.
Join up sonny and let the Taliban blow your ass off! Put your money where your mouth is!
BTW, your country doesn't protect you. YOU protect IT!
I'm Republican ...
We could tell.
You can start by (a) Putting your money where your mouth is and enlist, or (b) elect a government that is willing to form diplomatic ties with so-called 'hostile nations', and not just run straight into them guns blazing.
Hmmm...one Afghan rallies a few more fanaticals into lobbing a few planes into the WTC. Tragic, yes. But what does that have to do with Afghan as a whole? It's not about freedom, you just wanna be sure that America looks good in a dick waving contest.
Actually, you ignorant little piece of shit, you can't legally affiliate with any political power until you have reached voting age. Since that, thankfully, hasn't happened yet, your stupid opinions don't amout to dick. Waste your breath if you wish, but no one is listening.
I have transcended your pathetic human political parties and I am only REDACTED. I think blowing up a random country and killing that many innocent people would be extremely un-American since they have the right to life, liberty, and, if they actually do fuck with us, death.
But I doubt EVERYONE in Afghanistan actually opposes the US.
What I don't get is that these... neocons* think that the way to protect themselves from a nuke is to invade and destroy 3rd world countries who 'may' have a handful of U-238 (which isn't weapons grade). They think one small, lonely country will ruin the American way of life with a little bit of uranium. But they don't get the math: they 'may' have 1 nuke. The US has hundreds if not thousands of nukes! There is no M.A.D involved! Neocon republicans are just stupid sheep. Neocons don't want to protect freedom, they want to take it away.
*(they don't deserve the title 'Republican' because they do not exemplify the ideals of small government and personal freedom, like Ron Paul or Bob Barr)
War is peace
Love is hate
Oh non-existent sky fairy I laughed at this one.
Poor fucker's 17 and he thinks the old boys club in DC are going to protect him?
Sorry bud, when the shit hits the fan you'll be the one doing the 'protecting'.
Hey future cop, you are almost 18, please enlist then go to Afghanistan and do your best. Please try and kill just the bad guys if you can though, ok?
What the He...
Oh, it's Futurecop.
No, I'd say that's more on the lines of "fascist" than mere "Republican." "Only some people deserve freedom, and then, only the 'freedoms' that we SAY they've got, and God help them if they decide to rebel, or if they wise up to the fact that everybody on the planet has the same freedoms and rights, whether Big Brother says so or not."
Also...ah...if you're so keen about blowing up the AY-rabs, why are you hiding behind America to protect YOU? Man up, and enlist, son. I'm sure you can fudge some facts for them and sign up a little early.
Freedom for the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness, and to take away other people's freedom for the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness. Gotcha.
It's easy to see that you only care about your own freedom.
You don't have to reach a certain age to become a selfish bastard.
What about the freedom of 17-year-olds in Afghanistan? They also want their country to be #1 and protect them.
You're more alike than you are different.
Feel the Christian love; wanting to blow up anyone that they feel they don't like.
Jeebus would be proud, especially when you read the old testament.
And who is to protect them (and us) from you?
I hope you have matured a bit during the last 6 years...
Whose freedom do you stand for? Afghani teenagers?
If you want America to be #1, you ought to vote Democrat, and implement universal healthcare and free education.
Protect you, against whom? Most of your "enemies" are internal, like the Teabaggers.
"I'm Republican although I'm only 17."
>Born 1991
Six years earlier:
'(blowing Afghanistan to bits, etc)', eh?
Ah, youth. 'Tis wasted on the young .
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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