Homosexuals are using the Duggar incidents to try to somehow prove that conservatives are hypocritical.
Seems to me that the Duggars handled their situation - a 14 year old boy misbehaving - quite responsibly. They did the right things.
One must understand that LGBTQ groups are basically composed of super liberals and radical who hate any white family that has "too many" children and that is Christian. Minority families with many children are generally OK, you see.
Anything that smacks of healthiness or being "all-American" or too "white" or traditional makes liberals and LGBTQ groups nauseous.
1. Conservatives are hypocritical. They prove that on a daily basis.
2. Sweeping the incident under the rug, and allowing Josh to continue to live with the girls he victimized was the "right" thing to do? And you wonder why people are angry?
3. There is nothing healthy about how the Duggars live or raise their kids. Hell, the few times I watched their show, I don't even recall seeing any vegetables during the mealtime scenes. It's just a matter of time before one of those kids breaks away and tells the real truth what went on when the cameras were off.
4. Big families of any ethnicity are fine, as long as basic needs are met, and personal space & individuality are respected.
"Seems to me that the Duggars handled their situation - a 14 year old boy misbehaving - quite responsibly. They did the right things."
So you wouldn't mind taking a road trip in a vehicle with JOSH DUGGAR FOR PRESIDENT and BOOBS MEANS SHE'S TOO OLD painted on it, Michex?
We may be seeing that very soon. There was an article yesterday saying one of the older girls (Janna?) has announced she's leaving, going to college, and there's nothing Dear Leader can do to stop her. Hopefully she can save some of her siblings.
to try to somehow prove that conservatives are hypocritical.
They ARE hypocritical, and they prove it themselves on a regular basis. Do I need to post a list of "family values" Republicans who have been involved in sex scandals?
Seems to me that the Duggars handled their situation - a 14 year old boy misbehaving - quite responsibly.
By ignoring it for a year, and then shipping him off to a family friend to do construction work, and waiting for the statute of limitations to run out before going to another family friend on the police force who was later convicted of child pornography?
LGBTQ groups are basically composed of super liberals and radical who hate any white family that has "too many" children and that is Christian.
Just families who tout themselves as being perfect and better than others, and who lend their voice to a robocall urging voters to restrict rights for transgendered people.
Anything that smacks of healthiness or being "all-American" or too "white" or traditional makes liberals and LGBTQ groups nauseous.
What makes us nauseous is all the conservatives defending a confessed child molester.
We may be seeing that very soon. There was an article yesterday saying one of the older girls (Janna?) has announced she's leaving, going to college, and there's nothing Dear Leader can do to stop her.
Good for her. It's nice to see that she shed the brainwashing and is able to make her own path in life rather than being a baby factory for some guy her dad chooses for her.
Wait, what does their "holy book of morals", you know, the one they claim to follow, say to do with misbehaving children?
"If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that, when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them: Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place; And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard. And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die: so shalt thou put evil away from among you. " -- Deuteronomy 21:18-21
I vote we force them to follow what their their holy book that they crow about following says to do with misbehaving children. What's one kid when god killed so many children in the bible? What's one kid when they can pop out another half dozen before we know it?
Homosexuals are using the Duggar incidents to try to somehow prove that conservatives are hypocritical.
Oh, they don't need to. [/hyper-snark]
Seems that the Buggars handled their situation - like Josh handled those little girls - quite ir responsibly. They did wrong things.
One must understand that rightr-wing Fundamental ist Christain groups are basically de composed of hyper-corrupt reactionaries who hate anyone not exactly like them, and that is non -fundie Christian at least.
Now Im moral Minority , anything that smacks of un healthiness or being 'all-in-the-family-American' or too racist or anti-progress makes liberals and LGBTQ groups nauseous.
He was 15 during some of the attacks, and even 14 is old enough to know that forcing little girls up against a washing machine, pulling down their clothes and molesting them while they cry is criminal.
There was no real punishment, and he lied to the police, just like the family started out lying to the public, about what actually happened.
The irony that you are blind to is the pro-Duggar stance shows that you are more lenient, and I'd definitely say too lenient, towards sex offenders (of any age) than the people you label as apologists for such behaviour; the homosexuals and their straight allies. This is just one segment showing how you are hypocritical.
1- They are hypocritical. Ma Duggar constantly calls all homosexuals and transsesxuals child molesters without any proof.
2- They let a 14 year old child molester get off the hook and continued endangering his siblings and his current children for all we know.
3- Requiring the same rights that you take for granted is not hating.
4- No they're not. If we wanted minority families to breed like rabbits we wouldn't be trying to plunk a Planned Parenthood clinic in every minority neighborhood.
5- Your obese ass certainly doesn't have a handle on healthiness. As for your definition of All-American, damn right it makes us sick. It's downright suicidal.
That tells me that if it was never uncovered they would just go on like it never happened.
You mean, like they did for so many years while they did their TV show.
Jim Bob Duggar is a man who once campaigned for the Senate in 2002 on a platform that included such ideas as (Actual quote):
"Rape and incest represent heinous crimes and as such should be treated as capital crimes."
But then when his own hellish drop is molesting his sisters--Jim Bob's own daughters, remember--what's his answer? Prayer and understanding.
"Do as I say, not as I do" is pretty much the textbook definition of hypocrisy.
... a 14 year old boy misbehaving ...
Reminds me of the famous quote from Mrs. Ripper: "Just look at your clothes, young man. You've been misbehaving again, haven't you?"
If they're nauseous, they're the ones causing the nausea. What you mean is nauseated.
Frankly, I find you nauseating.
"a 14 year old boy misbehaving"
What the fuck are you talking about? He didn't knock over a lamp while playing ball in the house. He didn't stay out past his curfew. He didn't spray paint graffiti on the school. He didn't TP the neighbor's house.
He fucking sexually assaulted multiple minors!
The point is, they were hypocrite and they didn't not the right thing. The right thing is to report to the police and look for counselling and put it very clear from the beginning of their show, not using legal loopholes to get away with that
You are Hypocrites.
"Christianity makes you good, I only trust those raised in the word. I only vote for Godly candidates, you can't trust someone who won't swear allegiance to the Lord and church. WE need to homeschool and teach about God in everything. Public schools Corrupt, the secular world corrupts"
ON AND ON YOU GO about how people raised, as the Duggar children are, IS SIMPLY THE BESTEST PEOPLE EVER. When caught: "we never claimed to be immune from these things"
That show is NOTHING BUT claiming their way is better and infallible.
Duck Dynasty pulls that shit out often too, guess what, I'm thinking Poppa Duggar can't abide that long haired fake family. Oh, he's fine with their fake holiness maybe but not their appearance. After all, God only likes G.I.Joe issue haircuts, being 'Merican and all.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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