there once was a girl named heather
never was she light as a feather
one day in a snit
she joined commie twits
but her heart wasn't up to the challenger
Feather and challenger, and snit and twits aren't even half rhymes. If you're going to be a racist, fascist dickbag, at least do this right.
There once was a fellow on Gab
Who thought his limericks fab
But he couldn't fathom
A rhyming pattern
Or even take a good stab.
@"Bonkers" McGee
Gab was founded as a free speech absolutist version of Twitter, but apparently they deleted Anglin's insult of the same person so maybe?
Considering how venomous he is even by alt-right standards it's amazing that his years-old doxxing hasn't slowed him down.
AABBA, damnit! That's how a limerick is supposed to go, not AABBC. You know, rhyme scheme?
Wait now...."Heartiste"?? Is this really that Chateau Heartiste guy? He can throw big words out there like he's regurgitating a thesaurus, but he can't fucking master a limerick??????
That guy "Hodor" in Game of Thrones is more eloquent than this dolt.
Since when does "ger" rhyme with "ther"?
And, "snit" and "twits" don't rhyme that well either.
Is the Chum Hog light as a feather, perchance?
Or the weight of a duck? Then he's a WITCH, WITHC, HE'S A WITCH!
Car against people
That's considered "fair" on the right, worse: run over someone and run away is 'brave and heroic' to them.
But punching a Nazi or yelling racist at THEM is a capital crime.
And you're saying we can have a reasonable dialogue with them?
A Trump fan decided he should run over some homeless people just a day ago, unapolegetically.
They just want to create misery.
There once was a wretched manchild.
Who believed himself a guru self-styled.
But his every word
Was utterly absurd
For life isn't girls gone wild.
Wait a fuck... this is about the Charlottesville protest? Fucking seriously? What is wrong with this guy's brain?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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