Professionals who are Marxists intent on destroying the family... is not a complete sentence.
Also, I'm not sure why you think that professionals (ie, persons employed within the bourgeoisie capitalist class) would be all that likely to be Marxist. It's kinda *not* in their best interest.
Furthermore, basic Marxism doesn't ever really say much about family relations. Its critique is focused on the exploitation of human labor within the capitalist system.
Now, there *are* Marxist derived feminist theories that argue that the traditional nuclear family is an inherently exploitative system, in which the wife's work is undervalued and unpaid, yet critical to the capitalist mode of production (ie, having a wife handle home duties is beneficial for the husband to be a fully exploitable cog in the machine). In a postcapitalistic society, these theorists would argue, the classical inequalities of traditional marriage and marital roles would have less reason to occur, and, yes, Marxism might just destroy the classic "family".
But somehow I don't think you're thinking this that far through.
Oh, and it's a quarter to four in the morning, and I'm writing this instead of my term paper, but it's still an annoying subject. Fucking academia; I can't escape from it!