Well the religion of the Bible cannot be man-made because the Bible unlike all the other religions predicts the future in detail. Only the Bible has proven prophecies, where as all the other religions outside of the Bible do not. And as I have stated so many times, the Bible proves itself through the prophecies, becasue only the real God knows the future.
I wonder why the almighty, all powerful god has to use such vague language? If he knows everything he should be straight up about it. But then again, all prophesies are BS so I wouldn't expect anything less.
I predict that when I die my loved ones will be sad. I predict that this will be posted. I predict that this whole post will end with me predicting something stupid. I predict that I will die before I reach age one thousand. I predict that homosexuals will have rights before the turn of the century. I predict that a monkey will fling it's feces. I predict that should the rapture actually happen, everyone except for fundies will be taken to paradise.
Well the religion of the Koran cannot be man-made because the Koran unlike all the other religions predicts the future in detail. Only the Koran has proven prophecies, where as all the other religions outside of the Koran do not. And as I have stated so many times, the Koran proves itself through the prophecies, becasue only Allah knows the future.
(Just as meaningless)
Fundies say they are so very concerned for my soul. You could save my soul if you could simply point out ONE prophesy that was made in the bible which has in recent times been fulfilled. You may not count the vague, horoscope style "prophesies" that are so nebulous in their meaning that they could indicate a variety of outcomes. you may not count the "prophesies" that were in the Old Testament" and fulfilled in the New. They were edited in by those with an agenda to make the writings look miraculous.
Name just ONE prophesy in the bible that predicted a modern invention or discovery. That invention would have to be one that could not have been the product of the imagination of a bright, well educated individual of biblical times. If their imaginary sky guy cared for humainty as they claim, why did he/she/it not make sure there was something included in his/her/its writings in the bible?
The omisssion of any clear indication of the special nature of the biblical writings is one of the sureest indications that the writings are the product of mere humans. Deep inside every one of us is the realization that there is actually NOTHING special in that regard in the bible. The difference is that the fundamentalist mind will seek to twist reality to see startling prophesy where there is nothing that cannot be explained in ordinary terms.
To paraphrase Jon Stewart: you got nothing.
If God's knowledge of the future is complete, then He has no free will. Everything He will ever do in the future has already been determined. That would render all prayer, belief and worship useless, because no matter how much you beg, He can't change anything.
Yeah, you describe vague enough events, and people scrutinizing events as they occur will eventually twist and wind things, fudge a few others, and viola! Prophecy fulfilled.
Yeah, like how a zombie hippie in a bathrobe in a diaper on a stick takes every believer to heaven and demons will roam the earth?
That one hasn't happened.
Which is why the Bible predicted the Norman Invasion, the reign of King Henry VIII, Columbus, Jamestown and Plymouth, the American Revolution, Industrialization, Drake's oil well, the Germ Theory of Disease, the Teory of Evolution, the rise of Communism, two world wars, space flight, computers and the Internet.
Would this be, perhaps, the same bible where jebus hisself promised that none of his followers would die before he came back?
Either that is an unfulfilled prophecy, or there are some *damn* old fogies around.
Bullshit, Bullshit, Bullshit, Bullshit, Bullshit.
..and Im spent...
Did you even stop to breathe *once* while saying that?
I mean, the way it's typed in, and formatted, I "heard" it as a crack-fueled blurb of batshit, too fast to understand.
How exactly does the Bible predict anything accurately? You mean that thing where something in the book happened after someone earlier in the book said it would happen? Harry Potter has predictions made by characters that come true later in the book. This must mean it has a bearing in reality! Or not.
Also, the Norse Eddas have many of these predictions as well, and guess what, in the stories, they come true! The Eddas are the stories used by the modern religion of Asatru as their mythology and such, just like the stories of the Bible are the mythology of your religion. So there, another religion with prophecies that came true.
And that's not even the only one. I use Asatru because I know a lot about it, but I seem to recall a few prophecies in Shinto and Hindu as well. And don't get me started on the Oracle of Delphi...
"Oedipus wants a word with you about "divine prophesy". I'd leave the afternoon free, it's quite complex."
I see what you did there.
In my religion, we have nachos and beer. I have foretold that after nachos and beer have been prepared, they will be consumed. Since this foretelling has taken place, this comment proves itself through my prophecy because only the real God (me duh) knows the future.
Also, this will be happening next Saturday night too. Stay tuned for more foretold prophecies!
Biblical prophecy: There will always be wars and rumors of war.
Clown's prophecy 1: There will always be sex and rumors of sex.
Clown's prophecy 2:There will always be sex and jokes about sex.
I win! Guess that I'm possesed...
Yep. Repetition makes things true and repeating things make them true. As I have stated so many times, things that are repeated are true.
Fundies: So thick that they can't even do circular logic properly.
> the Bible proves itself through the prophecies
Yeah, because as everyone knows, Tyre was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar, the Nile has dried up, Egypt no longer exists, and Israel is living in peace with its neighbours. Oh wait...
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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