I teach my kids about Darwin. I teach them that he is the dead leader of a massive cult whose influence pervades our education system and, thereby, our society in a way that his contemporary L. Ron Hubbard could have only dreamed.
This is just too easy, but fukkit, ima do it anyway...
"I teach my kids about Jesus. I teach them that he is the dead leader of a massive cult whose influence pervades our education system and, thereby, our society in a way that his contemporary L. Ron Hubbard could have only dreamed."
Better to not teach anybody science, right? It's fine if you don't believe in a solid theory that has pretty much been proven, but don't brainwash your kid. Let him think for himself and choose his own path.
You are a liar...and an intellectually lazy liar, at that.
Such a wonderful example you are for your kids.
Failed at history, science, religion, parenting and reality.
At this point, I doubt whether Dissident is even qualified to teach his kid how to tie his shoes.
Well, at least you plant the idea of Darwin into your kids head. I, on the other hand, would do all in my power to make sure my kids never heard the word Jesus or Heaven and I would never, ever allow them to read the bible.
The cults are everywhere and I'd rather not even let my kid know they exist.
Normally, I would simply just feel both sad and aggravated that mouth breathers like this are raising up a new generation of gas attendants, fry cooks, and prison guards. However, one of them could become the next George Bush too, which is bone chilling scary.
I, on the other hand, would do all in my power to make sure my kids never heard the word Jesus or Heaven and I would never, ever allow them to read the bible.
Knowledge is power.
that's a new one, L. Ron with Darwin. They were so similar, you see: L. Ron the sci-fi author/fucked up church maker, and Darwin the man who presented evidence for his outlandish claims (considering the times) sufficient to gain them acceptance. They are practically the same man.
This century will be called Darwin’s century. He was one of
the greatest men who ever touched this globe. He has explained more
of the phenomena of life than all of the religious teachers. Write
the name of Charles Darwin on the one hand and the name of every
theologian who ever lived on the other, and from that name has come
more light to the world than from all of those. His doctrine of
evolution, his doctrine of the survival of the fittest, his
doctrine of the origin of species, has removed in every thinking
mind the last vestige of orthodox Christianity. He has not only
stated, but he has demonstrated, that the inspired writer knew
nothing of this world. nothing of the origin of man. nothing of
geology, nothing of astronomy, nothing of nature; that the Bible is
a book written by ignorance at the instigation of fear.
Robert Green Ingersoll - “Orthodoxy”(1884)
"I teach my kids about Darwin. I teach them that he is the dead leader of a massive cult whose influence pervades our education system and, thereby, our society in a way that his contemporary L. Ron Hubbard could have only dreamed."
All Hail Darwin!
I must go now. The Great God Darwin demands a sacrifice of two biology books and a petri dish at the Altar of Evolution. I must make haste; the Great God Darwin is wrathful and may devolve me into an amoeba should I delay!
Darwin lived 100 years before Ron Hubbard. You phail at history.
Also, we don't believe in evolution because Darwin said so, we accept the theory of evolution because it is supported by all the evidence that has been found, in spite of many attempts to find contradictory evidence nobody has ever done so.
This, children, is "dissident." His behavior is a prime example of bad parenting. He and his ilk are making the U.S. a world-wide joke as an advanced country in a way the Luddites could have only dreamed.
How on Earth do the fundies figure that someone's death somehow makes their teachings less true?
Jesus = Alive = Christianity true, lack of evidence notwithstanding
Darwin = Dead = ToE is false, evidence notwithstanding
I mean... what?
szena, yes, knowledge is power. But, brainwashing isn't. A young child doesn't have the capacity to separate fact from fiction.
When my kids were old enough (this is hypothetical since I have no children) they would be allowed to learn on their own, without being forced into any one belief. They could explore anything they want, without me pushing them into any one direction. They would do that exploring without some preexisting mindset they were told to have from birth.
When I was 10 I began to question why my sister and cousin's had godparents and I didn't. My mom explained not only why I wasn't baptized, but what it meant. She said if I wanted to have godparents I could be baptized. But not until I'd attended church and learned what it meant for the church, not just for her. I did that, for something like 6 months, and decided baptism, and church and all that came with it weren't for me and I could live without godparents.
I was old enough to make that decision myself. I wasn't forced into my mother's ambivalence or anyone else's beliefs. I was allowed to explore and choose my own path.
@Øyvind It's quite simple really. Any evidence is as good as no evidence when you don't bother to look for it. That's why they don't accept the evidence for evolution because they assume we're just doing the same as them, which is claiming there is evidence but never actually providing any because really .. who's gonna read that stuff, it's boooring.
That's great Dissident. I know for a fact that if I had been told something like that when I was a kid, I would have been fascinated, and would have set out to learn all I could about these evil cloaked cultists. Trouble is, I wouldn't have found anything to back that up, would I? Neither will your kids.
I teach them that he is the dead leader of a massive cult whose influence pervades our education system and, thereby, our society
Kinda reminds me of Jesus.
Sorry, Cyborgtroy, but you're incorrect. The correct answer is "Who is St. Paul?".
I know, I know. Pick, pick, pick...
(Or maybe, "Who is Constantine the Great?"?)
Great, fewer kids for my educated kids to compete with for jobs. Although as stupid as you appear to be, dissident, I doubt your kids would be much brighter, so it is probably a moot point.
L Ron Hubbard is NOT Darwin's contemporary; he's our contemporary, he died when I was 17.
Darwin is no more a cultist than Newton or Einstein are. He formulated at scientific theory, just as they did.
Society has since benefited from his theory, just as it has from the other two's theories.
You don't teach your kids about Darwin, you tell lies about Darwin to your kids. What did God say about lies? Those belong with the Devil, as he's the Father of Lies.
Nice of you to introduce your kids to the Devil at such a young age...
We have the fossils, we...
You don't really care, do you?
Darwin and Hubbard were not contemporaries.
To have been contemporaries, they would have had to have been in the same fields at the same point in time. Darwin was a theologian and philosopher.
Hubbard was a piss-poor sci-fi author and tax-dodger. And they operated decades apart from each other.
But other then that idiocy, no, you're not a complete moron.
L Ron Hubbard was much more imaginative than Darwin. Did you realize thet Darwin swam on a Dog all the way to the galapogos islands from England to find some birds ? That takes dedication , and a dog that swims well.
my brain actually hurts when I read this stuff.
Do you even know what contemporary means ?
Darwin, Charles Born: 1809 died 1882
Hubbard, L R Born:1911 died 1986
contemporary ? not so much
Either you know nothing about Darwin and you pass on that ignorance to your children, or you know that this is wrong and you are lying to your own children.
Either way, you are not a very good parent, are you?
Please explain how they are "contemporaries"...
Charles Darwin, United Kingdom, 1809-1882
L. Ron Hubbard, USA, 1911-1986
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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