Tracy sorry but again you are deceived...there is no scientific proof anyone is born gay ....and many people have come out of the gay lifestyle. No it is not normal and no matter how many people yell and say it is makes it true...its isn't and our bodies physiology tell us it isn't.
Have you read Romans 1? Of course what we do with our bodies concerns God!! He knows what is best for us and created us for one man one woman relationship in marriage.Redefining it so we can gratify our lust doesn't make it suddenly become ok! The gay lifestyle is very rarely monogamous and ends in disease and death as does promiscuity between heterosexuals....Gods way works...ours doesn't and no amount of twisting Scripture will change Gods mind on the matter. Christians do not hate but they DO disagree but these days that = hate...again a lie.....Truth wins though tracy...Hes called Jesus and He is Holy which is why He died we could be too.Homosexuality is not holiness,it is rebellion and self love! :(
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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