I've experienced "sleep paralysis" about a dozen times in the past and these experiences have stopped. "Sleep paralysis" is demonic. I have seen and spoke with the demons and saw one at the foot of my bed. Every time I called on the Lord Jesus Christ, they left me. Twice I found myself out of my body. Scientists call it "sleep paralysis" but if you examine the dream you were having before it happened, you will realize it was evil spirits trying to possess you.
If you make Jesus Christ your Lord and Saviour, He will give you authority over Satan and all his demons.
"Dear Jesus,
I am a sinner.
I repent of my sins.
Please forgive me and save me by your shed blood;
come into my heart.
I want to receive you as my own personal Lord and savior.
If it happens again, say "I command you to leave me now in the name of my Lord Jesus Christ!" and have faith in the Lord Jesus. If the unclean spirits see that your faith is too strong for them, they will leave you alone for good.
"If it happens again, say "I command you to leave me now in the name of my Lord Jesus Christ!" and have faith in the Lord Jesus. If the unclean spirits see that your faith is too strong for them, they will leave you alone for good."
As I've said a million time before, you can also say, "I want a cheeseburger" and it will leave you.
Sleep paralysis is very well understood. I've experienced it a few times myself and while it is terryfying it has nothing to do with demons. When it happened to me I saw a shadowy figure kneeling on my chest. This was simply my mind halfway in a dream state creating an explanation for my inability to move. And yes I did say "I want a cheeseburger".
Huh. If it works for you, who am I to judge?
I've had that about a dozen times, and no longer find it terrifying.
With me, I've noticed that attempting to shake your head or hand as fast as you can will make your body wake up pretty quikly...
Sleep paralysis is pretty weird -I've been an atheist since I was about ten, and yet even I was visited by an obvious demon during one of these episodes.
Pretty much every culture on earth has some sort of nasty spirit associated with this experience, not just christian ones.
I’ll admit, I was pretty freaked out the first time I experienced sleep paralysis. But eventually I got back to sleep and the next time it occurred I remembered that and just relaxed. Then I learned that it is a quite frequent phenomenon, and guess what? No demons turned up back then and they haven’t shown up yet.
"If you make Jesus Christ your Lord and Saviour, He will give you authority over Satan and all his demons."
Oh, that's good. So with all the super wonderful dedicated to Christ Christians down South Satan and his hoard were subdued and locked away forever. Nothing to worry about anymore everyone.
Scientific, rational explanation for something? Nah, screw that shit. Obviously it was demons! Who needs logic, facts, and proof when you have ignorance and superstition?
If you make Jesus Christ your Lord and Saviour, He will give you authority over Satan and all his demons.
Oh, so Jesus is like some glorified account admin who just gives you certain permissions and passwords?
Thing about sleep paralysis- what happens depends on your mood and what you think will happen. You panic, you start hallucinating figures and feel like they'll kill you. If you expect them to leave, they will.
"If you make Jesus Christ your Lord and Saviour, He will give you authority over Satan and all his demons."
When you are powerless in real life I suppose power over fictional beings is better than no power at all.
I may have experienced sleep paralysis once. That night I was sleeping over at a friend's house and we had watched The Thing (the John Carpenter one) just before going to sleep. I woke up at one point convinced the creature was in the room with me, but hadn't noticed me, and that I would be killed if I so much as moved a muscle. Eventually I found myself able to move my limbs without being horribly devoured, coinciding with me waking up to the point that I could rationally discern that a fictional monster was not, in fact, in my friend's bedroom.
I may have been having a nightmare about the film just before I woke up to this incident, so it's possible that I wasn't frozen due to sleep paralysis but just extreme terror. Either way, there were no demonic influences, just an overactive imagination coupled with one of the scariest films I've ever seen.
""Sleep paralysis" is demonic"
No. No. Fucking no! Sleep paralysis is the real life term for describing the natural phemomenon. It's not the fucking superstition itself. I command you in the name Jesus to pick up a Science textbook.
""Sleep paralysis" is demonic."
hey, check you out. i can do that too though, see:
sleep paralysis is not demonic.
bam. also, sleep paralysis isn't a disorder, being conscious for it is an uncommon happening, but to not have sleep paralysis is an actual disorder.
I was frightened of sleep paralysis when I had it as a child, but I'm all grown up now, and I don't believe in demons, spirits, prayers, or religious hysteria.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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