Great Leader has delivered a message for all of us, there have been recent record low temperatures and thus global warming is impossible. Donald Trump can not only debunk what a team of "scientists" have been claiming for years in an instant, but also do it in just one sentence. And people say I'm ridiculous for saying we're all lowly compared to him. The man can solve problems scientists couldn't solve for years in an instant and explain them in most simple ways possible, meaning that he is literally the 21st century Albert Einstein.
Feel free to praise him for his greatness.
I think we should take this as a valuable lesson and stop trying to think for ourselves. Donald Trump is far superior to us and thus will always make a smarter decision on every problem. Why is it that everyone keeps trying to come up with something better than the highest man in the world with such confidence? That should be seen as treason because the whole point of leaders is to do the thinking for everyone else.
You want to know what's happening in the world? Follow Great Leader's Twitter. He will update you with every event in the world in just a few words. Everyone else drags out the simple truth to make themselves sound smart, but these are the same dumb people who thought global warming was real. Real intelligence isn't dragging things out, it's simplifying them. Remember that before you make any more claims against Great Leader that should be seen as treason.
Peace! Make America great again!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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