The "We Have a Shovel" Award
We can dig deeper, wider, we can top the OP about the pyramids being built by dinosaurs.
The bible does not mention the Pyramids so they were built without God's permission. Satan has many powers and could have helped the Egyptians, it's not beyond possibility.
Remember what happened to those who first disturbed the tomb of Tutankhamen. The evil spirits were unleashed upon them.
There is greater mystery in the hidden world than in so called reality. Read the bible and perhaps clarity on the point can be interpreted.
There is greater mystery in the hidden world than in so called reality.
There is so much about the physical realm that we do not yet understand, that the more intelligent people (i.e. those who don't waste time on sites like CARM) prefer studying science over wasting time on ancient myths.
For the record, assuming you consider the fate of those who discovered King Tut's tomb to be anything out of the ordinary (which I don't but am willing to grant you some leeway), their fates were a combination of exposure to stale air, millennia-old germs and bacteria, and the hazards of the life of an explorer.
Note that when I say "millennia-old" I don't mean the actual organisms actually living for thousands of years but instead a closed group evolving independently of other life.
Lets replace just a few words in this fundie quote:
"bible" with "quran"
"pyramids" with "WTC"
"God" with "Allah"
"Egyptians" with "Americans"
and find a similiar analogy for the tomb of Tutankhamun,
and then lets ask "Tools" if he is now convinced that the USA is in a pact with Satan, and whether he will convert to Islam immediately.
But I strongly doubt that "Tools" will find this convincing...
Satan has many powers and could have helped the Egyptians, it's not beyond possibility.
Or not and they did it without supernatural intervention!
Ever been to the pyramids you tool!
Tools, I like you, you're a good kid and a hard worker, but ya gotta stay away from the drugs, son.
A majority of all the things in the "so called reality" are not mentioned in the Bible, stupid, and the insides of the pyramids are part of that reality.
Those who first disturbed the tomb of Tutankhamen were subjected to diseases their immune system had never met before.
Clarity on the point can be interpreted? What?
If there is clarity, you won't need to interpret, and if you have to interpret, you will probably not find clarity.
There comes a point where insanity is indistinguishable from either poeish nonsense or from the reveling in one's own blatant stupidity. I reckon that's how God intends insanity to be perceived, as being poeish or stupid. This is because God wants His followers to be like Him in as many ways as possible. Since God is both insane and manifestly stupid, read the Black Book Of Death for confirmation of that, then it stands to reason that His gullible followers think they're right to be likewise. Of course, the stupidity could be feigned in ways that might be considered as being humerous to some tools, in which case, tee ... er, hee.
"Remember what happened to those who first disturbed the tomb of Tutankhamen."
Yep. Sure do. The vast majority went on to live normal lives for several years thereafter.
"A study showed that of the 58 people who were present when the tomb and sarcophagus were opened, only eight died within a dozen years," according to a Wikipeda article at
Even Howard Carter, the man who first entered the tomb, had no ill effects from it. He lived more than 17 years after the expedition and succumbed to natural causes (lymphoma) at the age of 64.
It took me less than 2 minutes to do this research.
The Bible doesn't mention Tools, sho s/he was born without god's permission and shouldn't really exist. Probably it was Satan's doing.
Tutankhamun's tomb and the deaths that followed has been hyped into an urban myth. There is adequate explanation if one cares to research it.
The reality of the Bible is that of up to 2,700 years ago and has little enough to do with post modern society.
In a word, Tools is well names.
Um...The bible also doesn't mention cars, computers, guns, bombs, etc
@ Hasher
Can't this be empirically tested in some way?
Well, Gawd hasn't ever been able to whup him.
Of course!
Swede said it better than I could have.
Wow, the weirdest theory I'd ever heard about the Pyramids were them being built by aliens and not the Egyptians.
And computers aren't mentioned in the Bible either- were they built without God's permission? And if so, then why are you using one?
"The bible does not mention the Pyramids so they were built without God's permission."
The Bible does not mention the USA, therefore you fundies have no right to exist.
I love the smell of annihilated arguments in the morning. Smells like... victory.
I remember that someone brought up this quote in the discussion about the dinosaurs quote to demonstrate the stupidity of these fundies. I am not surprised that this has been quoted in its own right. I'm surprised that there are still people ignorant of the fact that the so-called "Curse of the Mummy's Tomb" was entirely manufactured by the media. Most of the mysterious deaths were due to infections from bacteria that had survived in the sealed environment of the tomb and had mutated in their isolation (evolution in action, folks) and the others were just coincidence. Besides, it's not very Christian to think that pagan religions have any power or effectiveness anyway.
Remember what happened to those who first disturbed the tomb of Tutankhamen.
Two random guys who helped dig the tomb died from sheer random fuckery during the dig. The guys who lead the expedition lived long fruitful lives.
Read the bible and perhaps clarity on the point can be interpreted.
The Bible is the last place on Earth I would go for clarity on anything.
Tools, dear, I know that micro-organisms and mold are difficult concepts for you. I'll try to keep it simple. Icky things grow on objects or documents that are stored in less than desirable conditions for long periods of time. This was not understood so well at the time of the discovery of Tut's tomb. It is now, that is why N 95 respirators and disposable coveralls are stored with my conservation supplies. That is why I wore gloves, and apron and an N 95 and opened the boxes outside when I got a shipment of books that I know had been stored in a garage for about 20 years. (amazingly, no mold or rat poop...) A friend of mine was not cautious when going through papers that had been shut in a vault four a number of years. The pretty mold she found gave her a very ugly lung infection. So you see, no supernatural explanation needed.
Although there was nothing at all unusual in the pattern of deaths among the tomb discoverers, your observation about the role of Satan is noted. Uh, what was it, again, that Satan wanted pyramids for?
Waddamittit! I thought it was dinosaurs! MAKE UP YOUR MIIIIIINNNNNDDSSSS, FUNDIES!
Perhaps Fundies think Dinos are Devils, that would explain so much!
Sounds like a cool idea for a cheesy horror/sci-fi flick!
I GOT IT! A PLOT FOR A SCI-FI ('SyFy' or whatever the heck it's calling itself this week it'll be 'Fred') CHANNEL CHEEZEFEST!
To find out why Satan helped the Egyptians build the pyramids, send $69.95 + $4.99 S&H to:
Jezebel's Evil Sister, Inc.
PO Box 666
Devil's Left Buttcheek, NJ 20100
"'s not beyond possibility."
Yes, it is. As there almost probably is no Satan, then it is beyond possibility.
As to the Curse of King Tut... Oh, why bother.
"The bible does not mention the Pyramids so they were built without God's permission. Satan has many powers and could have helped the Egyptians, it's not beyond possibility. "
As a Luciferian Satanist: Yes, that's entirely possible and feel free to avoid visiting Egypt for that reason.
"Remember what happened to those who first disturbed the tomb of Tutankhamen. The evil spirits were unleashed upon them "
No, they weren't. That's a myth.
"There is greater mystery in the hidden world than in so called reality. Read the bible and perhaps clarity on the point can be interpreted. "
I have, several times. That's what made me a Satanist.
The bible does not mention the Pyramids so they were built without God's permission. Satan has many powers and could have helped the Egyptians, it's not beyond possibility.
The bible also fails to mention (among other things) the US, the Internet, cars, computers and Canada. I could continue but we'd be here all day.
Remember what happened to those who first disturbed the tomb of Tutankhamen. The evil spirits were unleashed upon them.
The "curse" of King Tut was just a media story. Abbott and Costello Meet the Mummy is not a documentary.
There is greater mystery in the hidden world than in so called reality. Read the bible and perhaps clarity on the point can be interpreted.
I have read the bible, it's what made me into an atheist.
Re: SpunkiKitty's last comment but one
Well considering there's a satellite T.V Channel in the U.K called Dave,(It's companion + 1 timeshift channel is called Dave ja vu, incidentally...), maybe Fred would be a improvement, name wise for the former Sci-Fi Channel, given what it (Sy-fi pronounced Skiffy) apparently means in Polish, i.e it's rude...
Freemasons too.... :-(
I don't know why people mysticize the Freemasons so much and attribute just about every single action in the world to them. Sure they had a lot of influence and accomplished a number of things but so did just about every historically significant group. They may have been an important group of people but they were still just a group of people.
Ebon, what is a Luciferian Satanist?
From Wikipedia:
Luciferianism is a belief system that venerates the essential characteristics that are affixed to Lucifer, originally a name referring to the planet Venus when it rises ahead of the Sun.
Luciferianism is identified by some people as an auxiliary of Satanism, due to the popular identification of Lucifer with Satan. Some Luciferians accept this identification or consider Lucifer as the light bearer aspect of Satan. Others reject it, arguing that Lucifer is a more positive ideal than Satan.
Essentially, they believe either that Lucifer is not Satan but instead is a bearer of light or that Lucifer is the good guy with Yahweh being the Demiurge.
@ His4Life:
I'm not really familiar with the different types of Satanism. As far as I can tell, Luciferian Satanism is a type of Theistic Satanism (as opposed to something like LaVeyan Satanism). I think Dionysus answered this question fairly well. Given that I'm not a Satanist and know very little about Satanism and it's various forms, I don't think I'm qualified to say anymore about Luciferian Satanism.
"Yeshua" is an alternate transliteration of the name "Jesus", which is itself a later form of the name "Yehoshua" or "Joshua" (a bit like "Mary" is a later form of the name "Miriam"). We get the name "Jesus" from the original Aramaic/Hebrew transcribed through Greek and then transcribed through Latin to English. We get the name "Yeshua" from a more direct route of simply transliterating the Hebrew/Aramaic name straight into English in order to get something closer to the original translation.
Although I'm not entirely sure what Raised by Horses meant by "Yeshuan Christian", I'd guess that Raised by Horses means a Christian that believes in the divinity of Jesus.
Now I'm confused. I thought the dinosaurs were used to build the pyramids. Now Satan is involved? Or is it Satan using the dinosaurs to build the pyramids?
Unraveling fundie logic is too hard. Think I'll crack a bottle of prosecco instead.
The Bible doesn't mention English either.
Oh noes. I'm writing in a SATANIC LANGUAGE! Eeeek!
Er... Any Hebrew courses nearby?
"The bible does not mention the Pyramids so they were built without God's permission."
Just think about he narrow-minded tribalism inherent in that statement, folks. The Chinese, the Druids, the Incas - all of their achievements were not properly sanctioned by god because they occurred too far away for middle eastern authors to know about them.
Wait a minute... I thought that the Jews built the pyramids, right? That is in Exodus, and they left because of oppression by the Pharaoh, whoheart was hardened by God. Additionally, Satan helped the Jews in the form of allowing them to build the pyramids... and to escape?
This is a sign of one of two issues.
1. New Biblical Revelation
2. Brain Implosion
"The bible does not mention the Pyramids so they were built without God's permission."
Certain buildings here in the UK, such as the outer shell of Paragon Station in my locale, and an original 1930s chalet at Butlins Skegness are Grade II listed buildings, thus have protected status (for their historical heritage/cultural influence aspects; said chalet in particular), but if one wants to have an alteration made to their house etc (say, a conservatory, extension or whatever), somehow I doubt God works at the council offices to be able to give Planning Permission; it's mere mortals who can give that say so.
Sky TV dishes aren't mentioned in the Bible, neither. Yet, subject to the regulations relative to the part of the UK one lives, you don't need permission to have one installed, as long as said satellite dish is mounted under the roofline.
Now there's a 'mystery': Why your 'God' isn't 'Omniscient ' enough to know about Sky TV dishes to have specifically mewntioned such verbatim in the Bible.
I now have a vision of a priest in a hi-vis vest and hard hat, stomping around Egypt, sucking his teeth and saying " We've got no record of the proper forms being filed for these. They'll have to come down"
A little message for Loony4Life and her 'Mind-spinning Technologies from Africa ':
Conclusive proof that the ancient Egyptians were Caucasian .
image celebrate the first edition of the new series of "Salvage Hunters" on 'Quest' last night, here is Drew Pritchard standing in front of proof that it was the ancient Britons who invented & built pyramids.
And that knowledge simply spread .
At least Frank Whittle invented the Jet Engine; the first operational jet aircraft being the German Messerschmitt Me-262, so I'm afraid the only 'Mind-spinning Technologies' were European , and slavery existed in Africa way before the hand of the white man had set foot there.
...and British civilisation existed before the Bible. Which is why, post-S-SM legalisation a few years ago, coupled with the fact that we invented the modern-day Iron Chariot in WWI...:
...your 'God' can't even exist without our permission. [/Judges 1:19] >:D
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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