I believe Numbers 30 indicates that daughters are to be more protected than sons. When Bethany approached the age when many young people acquire permits to learn to drive, I began hinting that she would soon be driving. She wasn't particularly excited, but was prepared to follow my leadership. My wife appealed to me, however. She questioned whether it is truly healthy for young ladies to drive. She noted that when she "got wheels" she began displaying much more of an independent spirit from her parents. She questioned whether this was healthy.
While I was initially skeptical, I began pondering and praying about this issue. I recalled an aunt who never has driven in her life. Although she is quite capable, no doubt, she and my uncle apparently believe it is his place to drive and hers to ride. This is the traditional pattern from before cars were even invented. Even today, in most families the husband does the majority of the driving when the family travels together.
At about this time, the Lord was clarifying my own thinking regarding young people's independence and our assumptions regarding individualism. Ultimately I evaluated this decision in light of a more scriptural paradigm, and concluded that we would at least delay Bethany's getting a
driver's license. We anticipate leaving this decision to her husband, whoever (and whenever) the Lord has her for.
...It would certainly be more convenient to have another driver (and we are delighted to have our 16-year-old son helping with the driving, now) but I am committed to protecting my children, but especially my daughter, from unnecessary vulnerabilities the world's ways impose.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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