W. F. Price #fundie the-spearhead.com
The Palin family is in the news again for a dustup at a Wasilla house party, embarrassing themselves and Alaska yet again. This time, the fight was over a remark about Willow Palin, which triggered a brawl that involved young single mother Bristol throwing punches at a young man. The entire clan got into the fight, which ended with two of the Palin men injured (not seriously).
I know this type of feminist all too well. In fact, if anyone is responsible for my strong opposition to feminism, it is exactly these kinds of people, with whom I very unfortunately have had a lot of experience. Not so much the enfeebled, overeducated, passive aggressive East Coast types, but rather the real, Western shoot-to-kill and take no prisoners feminist archetype; the kind of women who “go to war” during divorce by using methods calculated to have at least a chance of killing their opponent. I mean real killing, like, dead.
Given Palin’s continued influence in the Tea Party, I have to conclude that the Tea Party is not in the least anti-Feminist, and in fact may be somewhat inclined to support the lawless, family-wrecking type of feminism practiced by the Palin clan. Unfortunately, the mainstream Republicans are not anti-feminist either, although they may be a bit more moderate than the Palinites. What this means is that there is no one party that supports men’s interests; only less bad parties and candidates.
In the meanwhile, if you’re a young man or have a young son, keep a close lookout for anti-male patterns of behavior in families regardless of political affiliation.
Here are a few important warning signs:
1. Any allegations against previous boyfriends, husbands, or even in some cases brothers and fathers, even if they didn’t result in any litigation or arrests.
2. Look at families’ divorced friends. If they are mainly women, that’s a problem. It means they chose sides. If there is bad blood between them and the ex-husbands of their friends, stay away.
3. They have lesbian friends. This one is self-explanatory.
4. The women display a sense of entitlement to men and men’s income yet feel no reciprocal sense of family duty or loyalty.