Al Gore will only be rememberd as a 21st century "Charles Darwin"..and like Darwin..his crazy theory will run out of steam much like evolution has today. We as a society will look back and laugh at the ridiculousness in the future..much like we do today with evolution. Hopefully by then though, we will be able to destroy such vile literature and ideas...degrading society by allowing such nonsense to flourish is Anti-American.
Al Gore didn't 'invent' Global Warming, that honour goes to Arrhenius in 1896.
Arrhenius also crops up in March's Scientific American , it being exactly 100 years since he first proposed the idea of 'Panspermia'.
Obviously one smart cookie.
The only people laughing at evolution are fundamentalists and idiots. Those who laugh are usually both at the same time.
Assuming anyone's still around in fifty years - and much as I get scared when I think about it, this is not a given - we'll probably have forgotten Al Gore, but we'll be living with the effects of what he's been talking about.
So can it, Trinny.
We as a society will look back and laugh at the ridiculousness in the future..much like we do today with evolution.
We meaning a few fundie nutballs huddled in the corner of the science lab with their hands over their ears crying, "Is not! Is not! Is not!" Evolution has not run out of steam the last time I checked with bona fide scientists.
Yeah, evolution has totally run out of steam. Our biological and medical advances are coming out of creation science, not evil-utionism. In other exciting news, up is down, day is night, and the sun rises in the west.
Hopefully by then though, we will be able to destroy such vile literature and ideas...degrading society by allowing such nonsense to flourish is Anti-American.
Is there any way this cannot be a parody? (No, don't answer. I really don't want to know.)
LOL, talk about being in denial! Evolution kicks the shit out of your pretend science, no two ways about it. Get used to it--the more we learn, the less significant the Abrahamic god become. :P
Ignoring the fact that this person seems to believe that America = the entirety of human society...
Evolution has "run out of steam" about as much as the idea that the earth is round.
It's taught as basic science because it's scientifically supported by fossil records, speciation and other evidence I'm not educated enough to go in-depth about.
I also see you advocate book-burning; how very 1940s-Germany of you.
knowledge, research, science, scientific debate, theory superseding theory: yep all anti-American.
T&T has told you that the American way is to follow the bible as your text book, and march proudly into the 16th century.
I'd much rather be anti-American(I'm Australian anyway.) than a forcing, ignorant, opressive Christian whose religion is based on fear, hatred and destruction.
Pagan pride.
"his crazy theory will run out of steam much like evolution has today."
Like Charles Darwin, JET is based here in the UK:
Evolution runs on Fusion power. >:D
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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